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New Mirage Quarterly


I've started to send my work out to magazines and journals and have been using the Writers Market to find places. About two weeks ago I sent a story into New Mirage Quarterly(which I found in Writers Market) and was excited when today I got an acceptance letter saying they will publish my story. Then I read down to the bottem where it said I must purchase a copy of the issue and sign up for full membership in their group at a cost of $70. It also said that if I do not become a full member my story will not be published but may be submitted later for possible publication. Is this a scam? I don't trust a journal that makes a writer pay $70 to have their work appear and who replied so quickly. I think they accept anything that is sent to them as long as the writer pays them to have it published. Any thoughts on whether I should pay the money or forget it?

FM St George

sounds a whole lot fishy to me... what will you get paid if you shell out the $70?

I've seen listings like this before on WM and always steer clear of them myself... but that's me.


Money :money flows to the writer.

Say thanks, but no and request to withdraw your submission.

But thats just me.

Andrea :peace

James D Macdonald

Have you ever actually seen or read a copy of "New Mirage Quarterly"?


Writers don't pay to get published.

If a work is publishable by one, it's publishable by many.

Say "No Thanks" and move on.

aka eraser

I'll echo the above advice and also suggest you write WM and complain. They should withdraw the listing.


Thanks for the advice. I am going to reply to them and refuse. I have also written an email to Writers Market complaining about the listing. Thanks.


LeI513, if you can send me a copy of their letter, I can use that for documentation at P&E.


$70.00 ! Can everyone send me $70.00? Within a year, I will be rich.
My brother told me when I was young, and wanting to be an Author.
Don't accept nothing unless they are paying you. I still live up to that.
If your words are that good, you don't pay them. At a music concert, the costumers pay. Not the band.

If you look on my site, you can have your whole book done for less then $400.00 You will get your books, and know it is done your way.
You might as well pay to have it done. By the time you pay to many of those $70.00 out. You could of had a book of your own.


Thanks, special friend for my avi!
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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Among the chocolate fairies:)
I agree with everyone. Never pay to have your work published. Definitely sounds like a scam. Should be New Mirage Quarterly.con!