NaNo Buddies Unite

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Sep 20, 2018
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Hello and happy Nano Prep!

I am eager to make this my best Nano ever!

I've devoted a sacred space for writing and story weaving (candles, cork boards and all).
I've told all my family that I will be in labor for the month of November.
And Trader Joe's will be in high supply.

Now, the only thing that could disrupt my fantastic goals is my own lethargy or lost momentum after the novelty (haha) of this experience wears off.

I would like to invite all Nano Writers to join in being emotional energy source and creative life supply for one another here.
My goal is very ambitious (rising at 5 am daily to reach for an 80k word count with the intention to front loading my progress so that I am more than half-way done in the first two weeks) but I've never been more pumped for a Nano before so I'm going with it!

If anyone wants to join the 5 am club or just be a regular buddy, let me know your Nano user name and I will add you on there.
Or if you just want to drop a few words of encouragement or feelings of frustration that we all can relate to, please share them here!

I waited to the last minute to do prep so I'll be busy the next few days but until November 1, good luck gearing up everyone.
We got this! :Hug2: Together. :Hug2:


Oct 22, 2020
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Hi! I'm a fellow NaNo Writer!

I haven't been participating the last few years, unfortunately, but this year I have and it's the best decision I've made! I can't believe how wonderful I feel after deciding to get back into writing. During Camp NaNo this year, I did a rough draft of a novel I'm working on, and I appreciated how it went, until I went back through to edit. During my editing, I realized I made several plot holes, completely changed how one of the characters was supposed to act, and I made several grammatical issues as well.

My original goal for this NaNo was to rewrite my story with the new edition I've made in my head, but then I decided to challenge myself instead. Now, I'm going to be doing a serious of short horror stories. I've already planned 21 stories I'm going to write, and I couldn't be more excited.

I am nervous, though. I haven't completed a successful short story in eight years. Since then, any time I tried to write a short story, it's turned into a novel, which is part of why I stopped writing for a couple of years.

I haven't found anyone else to talk to on NaNo; my messages just get looked over. Do you have any tips on writing short stories?


Supreme Guessinator
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Oct 15, 2005
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Cheering you all on!
Don't forget to add your name and profile to the 2020 NaNo Username thread, for ease of potential buddies finding you.


Super Member
Sep 20, 2018
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Hi there MadameDraco347,

That sounds fun and it's a festive time to start and get inspired from the spooky season.
For me, short stories are such a great exercise if a novel-length project is frustrating you.
I wrote a story about twins with magic and loved the process so much because well it was short but having finished it so fast it informed my writing in general and fed my skills for my longer project.
I realized my world is richer when I fly by the seat of my pants and my characters are more alive and real that way too. I even won honorable mention from an online short story contest.

Nothing like instant gratification to get your juices flowing!

If your short stories turn into full novels but then you have a tough time finishing those novels, I would evaluate your objective.
When I wrote my story- it was all about moment by moment. I wanted to raise a lot of questions but answer most of them in a reasonably short word count.
Even when I finished it, I could have written more. I was loving the characters and the world. I had more notes and ideas then I could pack into the story. But that was that.
My story was done and if I wanted to do more I could but I needed to finish my major project first, you know. My objective was to just show myself that I could finish a story and experiment.

I hope that helps. Best of luck! Feel free to add me as a buddy on Nano: Chaki1718


Oct 22, 2020
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Thank you so much! It helps a lot to hear that I'm not the only one!

So far, the only story I'm worried about possibly falling in love with is my first one. It's kind of a fanfiction, but is also strongly horror-based, between Fox Mulder from the X-Files meeting the main character from my main story and possibly becoming friends. I'm not sure how their personalities will clash and I'm excited to find out!

Good luck with your story as well! I'm sure it's going to be awesome!
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