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New Frontier Publishing

Sonya Heaney

Super Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Hmm, I searched a gazillion times and couldn't find anything on the boards about this children's picture book publisher that seems to have offices in at least a couple of countries:

New Frontier Publishing

In my research for some upcoming talks on the publishing industry I came across them a couple of times. They have some really good-looking books, but they also have this in their submission guidelines:

We encourage you to purchase one of our submission packs which includes samples of our published works.
(The pack is $60.)


Write a cover letter telling us about the manuscript you are submitting,
about you and include details of any previously published work. Include any relevant illustrations (no originals).

Let us know if you have purchased our submissions pack.

We only accept submissions via the form below.

We endeavour to read all manuscripts within three months. If your manuscript is unsuccessful you will not hear back from us.

The first question on the form is about if you've bought the pack.

This seems ... incredibly dodgy ... Thoughts?


Heckuva good sport
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Oct 7, 2006
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west coast, canada
First they 'encourage' you to purchase a submission pack, then they check to make sure that you've bought one? If they have precise submission requirements, why aren't they listed on a link at their home page?
The 'submissions package' sounds suspiciously like a plan to sell 4 picture books and a 'junior novel' to every potential new author. Surely seeing the potential author's actual work would be more useful?
Why don't they just say "Check out our work at your local bookstore?" Could it be that their books never reach bookstores? Sonya, have you phone or checked on-line listings to see if New Frontier books are available anywhere? If they're (even partially) an Australian publisher, surely they'd have pride of place in local book shops?

Oh, and if they're intending to sell books on-line, I'd think they'd give a bit more information than they do. Maybe a decent 'look inside'? More of a description?
The covers are nice, and vary, which means it's not just a one-man shop where everything is done in the house style.

Sonya Heaney

Super Member
Apr 16, 2019
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First they 'encourage' you to purchase a submission pack, then they check to make sure that you've bought one? If they have precise submission requirements, why aren't they listed on a link at their home page?
The 'submissions package' sounds suspiciously like a plan to sell 4 picture books and a 'junior novel' to every potential new author. Surely seeing the potential author's actual work would be more useful?
Why don't they just say "Check out our work at your local bookstore?" Could it be that their books never reach bookstores? Sonya, have you phone or checked on-line listings to see if New Frontier books are available anywhere? If they're (even partially) an Australian publisher, surely they'd have pride of place in local book shops?

What I was thinking. I see their authors turn up in discussions quite often, but I can't believe the whole submissions thing. I thought someone might have mentioned them (and their disturbing process) on here already, but maybe because it looks to be an AU/UK setup and AW is more US-focused nobody has. Or maybe I just can't use the search function!

Also: it would be interesting to know if anyone talented who *didn't* buy the pack even got their book looked at. I'm guessing probably not.

I only really just started looking at them this morning, so I haven't checked out where they're stocked, but I looked up a few of their books on Amazon/Goodreads, and am not so sure why they gets lots of positive *ratings* but few - or suspicious - reviews.

Oh, and if they're intending to sell books on-line, I'd think they'd give a bit more information than they do. Maybe a decent 'look inside'?

Ah, but they let you download the cover. :rolleyes:

Edit: Also, I know children's books do better in print, but the middle grade books aren't available as ebooks. Silly me went to Amazon to look for some samples to read.
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Heckuva good sport
Super Member
Oct 7, 2006
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west coast, canada
But picture books aren't long enough for 'samples', and the buyers generally aren't the intended readers, so why not a decent 'look inside' and a proper description?


Heckuva good sport
Super Member
Oct 7, 2006
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west coast, canada
Also: it would be interesting to know if anyone talented who *didn't* buy the pack even got their book looked at. I'm guessing probably not.
Ah, but that's their easy excuse: 'Can't follow instructions'!

Sonya Heaney

Super Member
Apr 16, 2019
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But picture books aren't long enough for 'samples', and the buyers generally aren't the intended readers, so why not a decent 'look inside' and a proper description?

Maybe there are only blank pages inside? (Okay, now I'm just being stupid.)

Oh - hang on - I found a "Look Inside" thingy for a few of their books. E.g.: this one and this one - I only found them via Google image search.

But the "agency" site they're on is weird.

Our website allows you to view publications currently being licensed internationally in all languages and territories. All publications are available for licensing to international publishers, e-Book publishers, toy manufacturers and TV companies. If you know what you are looking for use the search facility to look up a title, author, illustrator, or category. Once you have found something that interests you, contact us to request more information or a review copy. Enjoy your visit with us.

I seem to be falling down a research rabbit hole. Argh!


Heckuva good sport
Super Member
Oct 7, 2006
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west coast, canada
It sounds like the on-ramp to the dodgy publishing pay-to-play freeway. Bet each and every service charges extra for 'listing' and, probably, better placement in their listing.
Really, how many minimally advertised children's books are going to be picked up to be licensed for toys or made into movies? But hope is eternal.
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Chris P

Likes metaphors mixed, not stirred
Kind Benefactor
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Nov 4, 2009
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Wash., D.C. area
That is odd about the "submissions package." However, the $60 is less than the books would cost if you bought them separately, so at least you get something for your cash.

Looking at this publisher, I'm a bit more encouraged than I usually am. I am not seeing a lot of the things that usually raise red flags indicating a predatory vanity publisher. I would need to know more before I discard these folks.

Good signs:

1. Been around since 2002 (not a fly-by run by folks who don't know what they are doing that is likely to fold in the next year)
2. Website aimed at readers rather than authors ("buy our books" rather than "publish your book")
3. Books look professionally done (to my untrained eyes, anyway--I fail at anything visual)
4. Books appropriately priced for the market (at least prices similar to other publishers)
5. Their authors have several books through other publishers (i.e., they aren't snagging up newbie writers with "making their publishing dreams come true")
6. Upfront about "no response in 4 months means no" (they aren't playing to frustrated writers' desperation by promising to "work like the dickens to give your book the chance it deserves")
7. A broad list of authors, rather than just a few publishing multiple books (which sometimes indicates a pet project of the company owners to publish their own books)

Odd bits:

1. I can't find any of their books on Amazon (although every author I searched for had other books by other publishers)

Unanswered questions (seeing a contract would help):

1. Who does the marketing? With no presence on Amazon (shoot, even PublishAmerica books were on Amazon), is this basically a printing press, and the author has to do all the marketing, publicity, and advertising?
2. What other charges is the author responsible for?
3. Royalties?
4. What rights does the publisher retain, versus the author? Things like translations, first refusal on series installments or using the same characters, publication in other countries, etc.
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Sonya Heaney

Super Member
Apr 16, 2019
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The payment thing is unforgivable to me, but the fact the publisher is so popular in professional circles is confusing me.

For example: SCBWI (the international children's writing organisation) has featured them recently - e.g. SCBWI Victoria Gathering Roundup - 10th October 2020 - scroll down to see they were one of their guests.

They seem professional, but WTH kind of publisher asks if you've bought their books before you submit? That is an unforgivable red flag for me.

And, yeah. Generally so strange.
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May 25, 2014
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They appear to have changed their guidelines to "Before you send anything please look through our list and read some of our books."