Hello, and welcome...err, wait that's not right...

Gang aft agley

defunct human bean
Super Member
Dec 6, 2019
Reaction score
Hello All,

I am here as part of an all-out effort to immerse myself in the writing community, both online and IRL. I have too long sat and watched from the sidelines while others put words to page and I allowed life to pull me away from that noblest of...um...that lofty and...uh...well, it's been too long since I've committed to writing.

• What genres do you write? Adult SF/F, poetry, the occasional essay/diatribe
• What do you like to read? Well written fiction
• How long have you been writing? This post? About three minutes.
• Do you beta read? I would love to beta for something I feel like I can connect with enough to maybe offer a little value in my feedback.
• Do you have any particular hobbies? Are you expert in any particular field or craft? Outdoorsy stuff. Country Music, the outlaw, red dirt, Americana, bluegrass, folksy stuff. Worked in a prison for almost two decades.

That's me in a nutshell (feel free to picture Austin Powers miming being inside a nutshell). :)

Gang Aft Agley
All my schemes


The Scavengers
Staff member
Kind Benefactor
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Apr 27, 2008
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