Do you need reviews? Fantasy, SF, paranormal, dystopia


I write
Super Member
Aug 6, 2014
Reaction score
Northern California
I've signed up for another goodreads reading round (, and currently there are three, maybe four slots out of the ten filled.

My favorite way to get reviews is actually Hidden Gems--whose prices are going up, unfortunately--but the waiting list is usually at least six months. In the meantime, Reading Rounds are a way to get at least a trickle of reviews. You read and review four books, and four other authors review yours. A moderator makes sure no reciprocal reviews happen. And for those on a budget, goodreads is free. Also, Amazon is aware of Reading Rounds, and they don't violate terms of service. You can do multiple rounds--I usually end up doing three rounds per book so far.

And the more people join, the sooner we can get this round started. Other rounds are available for general, 18+, YA, and novellas, although often not all at the same time. :)