American Mentality Viewed by Americans & Foreigners


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Aug 1, 2017
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Both sides of the Atlantic
– and of course, things aren’t perfect in Germany (I do read international news).

The Germans would be the first to tell you that! ;)

Once I asked a German why he was so up in arms about the Muslim refugees, and he cited the rise in crime and he literally said, "I don't want us to end up like the United States."

Quentin Nokov

King of the Kitties
Super Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Western New York
Wow! Thank you guys for taking part in this dicussion it has been incredibly helpful!

Atlantic12, is the AfD more prevalent in East Germany? I find the German's remark about the Muslim refugees interesting. I just recently saw an article about the AfD marching/protesting after two men were stabbed to death by immigrants. Is anti-immigration the stance on a lot of Germans or is it 50/50? I recently saw the Sebastian Kurz of Austria was "cozying up" with Germany about the immigration issue. What do Germans think of Sebastian Kurz?

I was actually thinking of the German professor coming from Munich and being Catholic. Is there anything in particular about Catholicism in Germany I should be aware of? Also, I was wondering do the Germans still watch the Sissi Trilogy before Christmas? I came across it and bought my own copy from Amazon. (It had English subtitles) It's super cute. My family and I enjoyed it. But I was wondering if the Germans are as much interested in the Habsburg Empress as the Austrians would be? Same with the musical 'Elisabeth'. I watched a version from 2003 in Essen, Germany on YouTube with Pia Douwes and Uwe Kroger. I honestly think it's my favorite musical. Lol. It's got me way more diligent about studying German now. Ha ha ha. Are the Sissi movies / the musical Elisabeth sort of like cult-classics or does it depend on the person? My mom wondered if the Sissi movies are sort of like the way we view 'Gone With the Wind'. A cultural classic that everyone has heard of and has seen at least once.

And thank you for the German perspective of our politics. At least now I can give a reasonable explanation for the professor being in America under Trump. (He will have come during the Obama administration and assumed Clinton would win)

Porlock, there's so much going on in the world with so many view points. I almost don't know which conflict to begin with. I want to write this, but I'm also nervous because of all the controversial points. I want to make sure I represent both extremes and also give neutral ground in between. My characters often won't see eye-to-eye or shake their head and say 'I just can't understand that thinking', but I want to give view the world from all sides. This is going to be a major undertaking. Lol.