Star Wars conundrums


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Mar 31, 2013
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So I've been reading up in preperation for Episode VII, and a couple of questions popped up that have been bugging me. The movies haven't helped much, and I was wondering if the extended universe explain a couple of things.

1) Has it ever been explained why lightsabers are all the same shape? Could there be a possibility of them in more than one shape, or is it impossible?
The explanation has evolved... but basically they are currently plasma that's in a cell barrier of sorts that causes it to keep running in a loop which gives the saber a strong gyroscopic effect which makes it hard to be controlled by a normal person. There are lightwhips but they're uncommon. They don't have the barrier but require multiple crystals compared to 1-2 in order to generate the effect.

2) Can anything deflect a lightsaber? This seems to be a sort of ultimate weapon that can cut through anything. Is there a material that it can't cut, or perhaps a way of neutralizing its powers?
Cortosis can short out a saber momentarily if contact is made although it's a rare metal. Beskar aka Mandalorian Armor (what Boba Fett's armor is made of) is resistant to it and can't really be cut. Those electro staffs from Revenge of the Sith are resistant although I don't know what they're made are since ep I-III are fail. There are a few other things too but you're not likely to see any of them in ep7

3) Can only Sith or Jedi and their apprentices use lightsabers? It seems that people in power would crave for a weapon that could cut through anything, as well as people who could wield that power. Anyone can make one if they know how. There are several bounty hunters that use them(though to less of an effect). Also whenever someone wants to frame a Jedi for a crime they'll use a lightsaber. Although due to the gyroscopic effect they are difficult for a non-force user to control

4) What exactly is the role of the Jedi and Sith Orders. I understand that they serve different sides of the force, but other than that I don't understand what their roles are in society. People obviously respect and fear both groups, but is it only because of their fiercesome powers? Are they religions? Military forces? Monks that train in the art of warfare to refine their minds and contemplate life (Like the Shaolin)? The Jedi are sort of like peace keeping militarized monks. They did at one point have their own army but they willingly disbanded it when the galaxy started to ......umm... fear it. Now they're more of a precision force. They have different branches like those who focus on martial abilities but also a more political side. So think of it kind of like door kickers and negotiators. The Jedi follow the will of the force and don't use its power for themselves. Only the greater good. The Sith bend the force to their will and use it for selfish/personal gain.

5) What exactly is the role that the force plays when Jedi or Sith battle? I'm excluding the fight between Count Dooku and Yoda because they are supposed to be extremely powerful with the force. How do Jedi that are merely okay with the force deal with it in battle? I remember that they are able to use the force for extremely limited forms of premonition, but are there other uses?The Jedi use the force as a tool to aid themselves while fighting while the Sith use it as a weapon. Force lightning for example is something a sith would use but not a Jedi since its use is meant to cause pain and/or kill. Over all there are multiple powers. Like force enhances speed, jumps, telekinesis, mind control etc.

6) What are some good books to read that deal with these issues. I understand that the expanded universe is called that for a reason, and the sheer amount of books available are mind boggling. What would be a good book or series to start with?I've read around 55 SW books total and many of them will answer your questions as long as you start at the beginning of a series. But the Darth Bane Trilogy will have pretty much all of this stuff in it. From the evolving role of the Jedi Order to the Sith with light whips and "armor ;)" that is lightsaber resistant. It takes place long before the movies and is the basis for Yoda's "always two there are, the master and the apprentice" speech. That referenced the rule of two which was started by Darth Bane. One to embody power, the other to crave it.

Thanks for any help that you offer.