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Hartline Literary Agency

Deb Kinnard

Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Casa Chaos
I think you're well away from them. Let me explain: I did have an agent (two, actually) from Hartline. One jumped ship to the Steve Laube agency shortly after I signed with her, and took me (as client) with her. From that time on, it was just a downhill slide.

She sold nothing of mine. No, not one title. During the three years we were client-and-agent, I sold five books and made each and every one of the deals myself. After a while of this, plus lots of non-response to e-mails, I was chatting at a conference with some other authors repped by this same agent, and heard something about "my weekly phone call" from this agent. I was like, WHAT weekly phone call? I'm lucky if I can talk to her twice a year!

I was told that Hartline and later Laube Agency put their energy only in repping a very small and elite corps of authors. If you weren't in this bunch, don't expect communication, contracts, not to mention your weekly phone call.

This same agent was the one who told me, after I pitched her an idea for a novel taking place in central Iowa (the main character wanted to go to Bolivia) that "readers won't accept foreign settings."

This same agent introduced me, in the third year of our association, as "Deb Kinnard, whom I'm trying to get to write romances." (see bio. Romance is all I write.) It was at that conference I decided she was not into selling my work, would never be into selling my work, and I was much better off making my deals myself, and going indie when I wanted to write something out of the box. I severed the relationship that same year and I've never been sorry. In fact, I feel as though I dodged a major, career-stifling bullet.

That's not to say she still takes her 15% of the books still under contract, whose deals I MADE MYSELF. Legal? Yes. Moral? Probably not.

You're better away.


a demon for tea
Super Member
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Red Flags for Hartline Literary Agency / Cyle Young Literary Agent

In #SFFPit right now, variouus clients from this agency are posting weird 'agented author' pitches.

* Most of these pitchers are repped by Hartline or Cyle Young
* One pitching author also appears to be a Cyle Young slusher, Hope, because she's 'liking' pitches on his behalf according to her pinned tweet.
* One of whom is both a pitching author and Jnr Agent.
* Multiple authors in the 'agented author' pitches thread don't actually list their agents anywhere on Twitter or on personal sites, but are writing faith-based work which fits Cyle Young/Hartline's scope.

A few of the 'agented author' tweets explain they're just looking for editors, which is just... oh, sweethearts.

But I checked out Cyle Young's (a Hartline agent who seems to partially operate under his own name) sub guidelines, and holy hell, the guy has every single subbing author jumping through a ridiculous series of hoops to query him:

Submissions: If you are interested in representation by Cyle, please email him at [email protected] and place “WEBSITE SUBMISSION – (Your Genre) – (Code Phrase)” in the Subject line. The Code Phrase is revealed in my 3 Step Submission Videos. When you send a submission to me, you are also choosing to opt in to my email newsletter.

STEP 1 – VIDEO – Pay attention to the secret code phrase

STEP 2 – VIDEO – Pay attention to the secret code phrase

STEP 3 – VIDEO – Pay attention to the secret code phrase



[EMaree note: to be clear, these above lines are the links for five seperate videos you're expected to watch. I'm not giving him the clicks, so no idea how much time you're expected to waste doing this before you query.]

• Cyle works with both domestic and foreign authors.

If you have a proposal, please feel free to submit it. It is not necessary, but any author’s who do not have a proposal will be required to watch Cyle’s instructional videos on how to prepare the required proposal.

...This is utterly, astonishingly ridiculous. To submit to this guy you have to provide clicks and views to THREE SEPERATE VIDEOS, because apparently even agents need those sweet likes and subscribes now. And this is for an agent with no sales anywhere on his website, and who has his 'courses' link before his 'literary agency' link. He's also a very very busy genre writer according to a second site he owns.

And did you folks notice that sly little, completely-against-GDPR line "When you send a submission to me, you are also choosing to opt in to my email newsletter"? Welcome to spam central, you poor querying souls. It looks like he's found a lightning-fast way to build up the mailing lists for all his courses and book releases.

(Cyle's guidelines include "Cyle works with both domestic and foreign authors", aka includes EU subs, which means the GDPR regulators at the ICO will be VERY interested in his list.)

What a prize of an agent, especially when you realise after jumping through hoops to get signed by this guy you have to go out on Twitter pitch contests and hunt for your own publisher anyway.

Some bonus oddities:

Will you edit my manuscript?

No. If you become my client. we will work diligently through a “polish” process, but if your book needs an edit, it will be your responsibility to contact a professional editor.
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