Seeking NY/NJ/CT women who've lost 20-50lbs or more


Mar 31, 2009
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I'm looking for New York/NJ/CT women in their 30’s-50’s who’ve shed significant amounts of weight (20-50lbs or more) simply by altering ONE habit. I'm not talking super obvious routes to fitness, like buying a treadmill or joining Jenny Craig. More like changes so small you almost don’t even notice the extra calories you’re burning/missing until you wake up one morning and your pants are too big.

Here are a few examples of what I'm looking for:

“I got a dog! I really had to move to keep up with him.”
“I switched my daily Big Gulp full of Coke to water.”
“I got concerned about the environment and started walking to work.”
“I added a plate of steamed vegetables to the dinner table every night, no matter what entree I was serving.”
“I ate whatever I wanted but I cut my portion sizes in half.”
“I got DVR and started watching my favorite shows all on one night. Suddenly I had a lot of time left over to work out.”

Again, these are just examples. I'm certainly open to lots of different scenarios-- the more surprising the better.

Interested in celebrating your success and inspiring other readers? Email me your name, age, contact info, job, how much weight you’ve lost, a bit about the change you made and how it helped you shed the weight. Please include clear before and after photos. I’ll be in touch with more info. Note: there will be a photo shoot involved. Thanks!!

Email: [email protected]