You know, I regret even bringing it up.
Neil has been doing everything he can to get the book published because he really believes in it.
I know he's sending queries to reputable publishers... most of them I have heard of when looking up other books in the same pet genre to find out who the publishers of those books were. (I went through books at Barnes and Nobles and Petsmart to look at the publisher's name.)
I've read the responses these publishing companies have sent back as he forwards the replies directly to me whether it's by mail or by email. In fact, some of them have directly sent me their replies since my address is on the proposal.
It's not from his lack of trying to get this published, and it IS the economy they are blaming in their rejections (Perhaps it's not true, maybe they are just concerned about the marketability of the book and are trying to be nice... but it's the reason they give.)
He is not going to a vanity press that is requiring you to pay $1000 for 1000 copies of the book...
He offered the idea, if I CHOOSE (not steering me in the direction, just giving me the option), of world audience if all else falls through.
he submitted more queries to reputable publishers today... but he's holding this as an option because I've been getting antsy.
basically it sounds like World audience is not too different from a small publishing co. the only difference is, you don't pay them to publish the book, and they don't pay you to publish the book, they get a certain keep from the sales, and you get a larger percentage from the sales to make up the difference. (if I understand how he explained it properly)
World Audience does not publish any book that comes to them, he has seen many books get rejected, they also don't require me to pay them to publish my book. Like I mentioned before, most self-publishing companies normally require you to pay $1000 up front for a few books they dump on your doorstep and let you go.
World Audience doesn't make you pay, and they dont' just dump the books on your doorstep and tell you 'get on with it'. If they like the book, they will publish it and help get it out there for sale. They keep a percentage of initial sales, then factoring in his commission, I am left with a certain percentage from each sale... (He's negotiated one contract to give the author 40%.) And while you do a lot of the promotional stuff yourself, they don't leave you on your own. They do help get the book into bookstores, on their website and on (If I understood him properly)
he said he does NOT use this as one of his standard publishing queries, however, when the sell is tough, and the author impatient, he thought he'd mention the option. He's had a few clients go this way who have been very happy with the outcome. They got their book out there, and were later picked up by bigger publishing firms.
I know how hard Neil has been working, I've seen evidence of what he is doing, and he continues to do all he can... he gave me this as an option... I just wanted more information on world audience publishing, not to turn this into a crucify the Salkind Agency question.
He just gave me an option to think about and I wanted more information before going into the conversation with him this morning.