The staff bios are what concern me, among other things. Other than one principal listed as an author, none of the others appear to have any exposure to any facet of publishing. One is experienced in digital marketing and social media. The other has a B.A. in Political Science and a Masters in Education. LinkedIn lists the latter as currently running a subscription snack-food service. It also appears that these three principals will be acting as submissions editors for the company.
"Royalties: To be negotiated individually" is mildly worrisome, as is "Rights: We acquire digital rights (exclusive rights for e-book and paperback) for five years..." (bolding added). I'm a dinosaur, admittedly, but don't digital rights exclusively refer to electrons on a screen and not a physical paperback?
They also seem to be starting out in quite a few genres. I count at least six, depending on how you break things up.