A friend is getting her novel published by a small house called Winterbear Publications. I haven't heard of it and don't know if it has a website. Does anyone know anything about it?
Okay, vanity press.
That answers my question--it costs money to get published by Winterbear.
I'm a bit shocked; this friend made them sound legit. Maybe she hasn't seen the site.
* To read your UNREQUESTED MS: Please pay US$25 via paypal (see below) and send your full MS via email to [email protected], placing UNREQUESTED MS in the subject line.
Paying to submit. The mind boggles.
Z and I were all over this months ago! And Roy too but I don't think he's on these forums.
My advice, follow what the posters before me said and stay away. All the good intentions in the world don't make this a good idea.
I remain secure in my claim that I AM a small alternative publishing service, and i do not recall having stated anywhere that I was a small TRADITIONAL publisher, so why get on my back telling me i am not such? Just because some people have tunnel-vision eyes and expect everyone to see the exact same dream and goal, does not mean that the rest of the world joins in and sees as you see. Some of us accept alternatives, and WANT TO.