I've got a book out with them....
...wrote it for the crack really and then wondered if it was possible to sell it to anyone.
It's sold a couple of copies so far and that was as high as my sights were set.
Really, it's comedy and the thing with comedy is if you don't monetise it upfront
and just "put it out there" in some form then ... people can claim they are offended.
If they have to pay to read it people can still claim they are offended
but if they've paid to offend themselves it's more their own stupid fault.
As to marketing... I can do some of that myself ...what I really needed was someone to edit it, do a cover,
help remove the mechanical errors and that sort of thing. I tried self publishing my old poems
which had previously been published in 90s magazines as an exercise in seeing what's possible in createspace
and it was PAINFUL! ...so I thought if I'm going to do this I should find a publisher who wants to work with me
no matter how good or bad ...
I tried the bottom of the market - Damnation Books ... they said yes and I thought no and then they went bust.
I tried the top of the market - Samhain ... they said no and I said nothing and then they went bust.
I know it's not exactly Harper Collins but this is literary experimentation not genre fiction
and even if they only sell half a dozen copies it's more than I'd sell on my own.
I know this because I've tried self publishing in the past.
If you don't want to fail set the bar low - I did.
I mean I doubt a commercial publisher would be interested in such a crude bit of satire anyway...
...so what did I have to lose? And it's only 30,000 words ...not like I've written War and Peace
and then not made my money back on it.
I've found them fairly straightforward to deal with so far.
They don't pretend to be what they're not ...