From their website:
Advantages of Publishing with WheelMan Press
Author retains all ownership rights to work.
If the author retains all rights to the work, the publisher won't have the rights to publish the work. And what are "ownership rights" anyway?
Author receives 60% of earnings for every book sold.
If "earnings" isn't properly defined the author might end up with very little. Royalties are best calculated on cover price, not earnings, profit or turnover.
On another page of the Wheelman Press website it is stated that for a book of 30-50 pages
Wheelman Press pays royalties of just 15% of profit. These royalties rise on a sliding scale to to 55% for a book of 251 pages or more, not the 60% stated on the previous page I linked to.
These royalties are significantly lower than the industry average; and they're calculated as a percentage of profit, which is not in the writers' interests.
Professional-grade interior formatting for FREE.
Professional book cover design for FREE.
Good publishers don't charge for basics like formatting, typesetting, cover design, editing, and so on and the fact that this is seemed as a bonus-point by this publisher implies to me that they don't know how trade publishing works.
Publishing by a true publisher who cares about your success.
Yep, because it's horrible when people are published by false publishers who just don't care.
Promotional Free Book Promotional Trailer created by award winning filmmaker Nick Bailey from First Star Media.
Who is he? Has anyone heard of him? And what's with all those "promotionals"? If a publisher can't edit the text for their own website properly, what standards do they have for editing their authors' books?
One-page Author’s website for FREE.
Distribution of print and ebook formats to major bookstore outlets for FREE.
Marketing advice, plus the full marketing support of WheelMan Press for FREE.
Again, good trade publishers do these things already. They're basics, and nothing special.
If your book is successful, we will pitch it to production companies on your behalf in the hopes of getting it made into a movie.
What connections, experience and success does the publisher have in selling film rights, or even options?
You don’t get to give your money away to a vanity press who keeps most of the earnings, gives you a generic cover, and no marketing whatsoever.
You don't get to do that if you sell your book to a good trade publisher, either; and trade publishers spend time and money on book design, inside and out, and on marketing and promoting the books they sell.
If you are interested in becoming one of our authors, please contact our management, Integrity Artists Management at:
[email protected] today.
At this point I want to recap a little. Earlier in this thread veinglory asked tomelle this:
So you either run or are employed by this outfit?
And tomelle replied with this:
I am a Talent Manager and they are looking for novels. So not trying not to come off as a spammer. But I do know them well..Yes. I like what they offer and don't charge fee's. If the author does not make money..neither do they. Which is how this business should be.
I note that in another thread,
tomelle wrote this:
Hey guys, I am a talent manager with Integrity Artists Management, I primarily work with actors and filmmakers. But I do work often with writers. If you have any questions I would love to help. I would like to be a valuable member of the community. And if I get a few good writers by doing so..that is great as well.
You can research Integrity Artists Management on the Imdb.
I look forward to helping!
So yes, he works for Integrity Artists Management, which is employed by Wheelman Press. In other words, he works for Wheelman.
Tomelle, why did you not give a straight answer to veinglory?