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Wandering Sage Publications (formerly Emerald Falcon Press)


Mostly Harmless
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Feb 12, 2005
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Coastal Desert
06-06-2006, 02:15 PM
Board fanatic

Emerald Falcon Press


Out of the 30 or so publishers recommended to me, I have narrowed my search down to several small/independent presses. However, before submitting to them, I would like to know what this site thinks.

Timberwolf Press
Mundania Press
Star Painter Publishing
Emerald Falcon Press

These names, like the others I have researched here were given to me by one of the many writing communities I belong too.

Can anyone tell me anything good or bad about any of these?
Eric B. Fogle
06-06-2006, 02:32 PM
Kasey Mackenzie
Blonde & Bookxum

Silverhand: You really do need to click on the index at the top of the B&BC page and check for the names of the publishers you have questions about. I know that Mundania at least has an existing thread where you should be asking any questions about them. The others may have threads as well. If they don't, then you should feel free to start new topics about them.

06-06-2006, 03:40 PM
Super Browser

I just checked out Star Painter and I like them for a little guy. They pay no advances, but do pay royalties--a little higher than the norm. They have a great mission statement. I sent an email synopsis to them just a few minutes ago. they seem like a new company and worth a check.

Mundania has been around for a while and I've had many dealings with them. They're fine, respectable, actually one of the better smaller presses.

Timberwolf has had my attention before. I wondering if they're temporarily closed for subs right now.

the other one I'm going to check out now.

"I'm going to write some day."
06-06-2006, 03:50 PM
Board fanatic


What Kasey said. The mods have told us to try to cut down on thread proliferation, which is why they started that index/sticky.

But feel free to start a new thread if you don't see any of them in the index (I know Mundania has one because that was one of the threads I cached).

Let the beauty we love be what we do. - Rumi, 13th Century poet
06-06-2006, 05:24 PM
Board fanatic

The Mundania one started back in 2003. And, though they do have postings as late as last week, they dont really delve into how the company is doing "now".

Saying that, rather then cluttering the forum with useless posts...I condensed mine into a single question. "Here are the 4 publishers I am thinking about, can you help me."

If you dont like me asking about Mundania that is fine...at least offer an opinion about the other 3. Thank you.
Eric B. Fogle
06-06-2006, 07:57 PM
Full sun to light shade
Mod Squad Member

Silverhand, the following are the forum policies:

* Do not start new threads on companies that already have existing threads. Post in the existing thread. Yes, even if you think you are an exception to the rule. You're not.

* Please, only one company per thread, to keep indexing simple. "Thread proliferation" in this case is about multiple threads on one company, not about the total number of companies that have threads.
06-07-2006, 10:37 AM
Mostly Harmless


There are many talented writers out there who just need someone to believe in them, well that someone is Emerald Falcon Press.

Emerald Falcon Press believes that the author has put his or her heart and soul into their work and should have an equal say as to how it is published.

We believe this wholeheartedly and treat each of our authors with the respect that their time and effort demands, after all it was their sacrifice that finished their books who are we to take that from them.

We have many authors who rave over our personal attention and care for their desires, wishes and goals. Soon this type of approach will bring us more authors, new and well established, than we can handle and the company will need to grow.

We will set a precedent within this type of business for we not only are building dreams but we are making friends.

We publish health related non-fiction, sci-fi, thrillers, fiction, children’s books, educational learning aids, coloring books, role playing aids, bookmarks, posters
I'm sure they mean well, but this is not a venue that can get your book into stores.
06-07-2006, 11:00 AM
Cud-chewing moo-derator
Absolute Sage

Originally Posted by CaoPaux
I'm sure they mean well, but this is not a venue that can get your book into stores.
I agree.

- Victoria
Two of Eight
06-07-2006, 01:15 PM
Inexplicability Assessment

I think mention of helping writers "make their dreams come true" [blah blah blah] is usually a danger sign.
06-07-2006, 08:44 PM
Full sun to light shade
Mod Squad Member

Originally Posted by Sassenach
I think mention of helping writers "make their dreams come true" [blah blah blah] is usually a danger sign.
You betcha. See Teresa Nielsen Hayden's A brief note on linguistic markers and More linguistic markers for a fuller discussion.
06-07-2006, 11:36 PM
Dave Sloane
One of the Locals

Is Emerald Falcon Press out of their minds? A nine month wait period before
they get back to you, the author they love so much? Fuhgeddaboutit!!
06-08-2006, 10:48 AM
The Scribbler
One of the Locals

Some publisers, the wait can be up to a year.
06-08-2006, 12:08 PM
Board fanatic

Originally Posted by The Scribbler
Some publisers, the wait can be up to a year.
Yes, but those are usually places like DAW, Tor, Baen Books - the most prolific and lucrative pubishing houses. Places where you really need an agent.

06-12-2006, 12:29 PM
Mostly Harmless

Originally Posted by Popeyesays
Yes, but those are usually places like DAW, Tor, Baen Books - the most prolific and lucrative pubishing houses. Places where you really need an agent

Scott .
Actually, you don't need an agent for DAW, Tor, or Baen. Their open policy, though, means they're deluged with submissions, which creates a long response time.


Mostly Harmless
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Feb 12, 2005
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Coastal Desert
Looks like Emerald Falcon Press is now Wandering Sage Books http://www.wanderingsagebooks.com/

After reading this front-page statement...


We offer a great opportunity for the author who wants more royalties for his / her destiny. We offer a specialized program for writers who want more out of their work then just seeing it in print.
We do this by offering an interesting royalties package, something with much more potential for the author's pocket book.

...be sure to set aside any beverage you might be drinking before clicking "Publishing" at the top of the page.


volitare nequeo
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
right here
Is that picture at the top what they were smoking when they wrote:

"Writing contest are one way to get published for a simple enterance fee. Once a year Wandering Sage Publishing will choose 2 winning authors from these contests and publish them for FREE... Thats right - FREE. "

Golly! For FREE? What a novel idea!

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score


freak of nature
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May 8, 2005
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Shane Moore, by 'traditional' do you mean that they pay a four figure (or larger) advance, do a print run of at least 5000, and have a distributer with a sales team?

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
That is correct.

1.) They have five distributors-including Baker Taylor and Ingram
2.) Previous unpublished authors-unless they are a celebrity-only get a 500 print run and will not get an advance. Wandering Sage is still a small press.
3.) When I signed my series over to them, they did a 10,000 print run of "The Breach of Crowns." (The launch of this book was hosted by Gen Con Indy-the largest gaming convention in the world.) It sold out in three weeks and we have recently re-negotiated the deal.
4.) They offer industry standard discounts (40%) to retail chains.
5.) They maintain the industry standard return policy.
6.) They recently started a graphic novel division making graphic novels from my series, as well as movie adaptations. They employ artists such as Daniel Brannan-Marvel, James Hill-Abyss Walker, Dan Harding-MTG, Billy Tackett-Abyss Walker, Mitch Foust, Master Sculptor Kendall Hart, and a few others.
7.) I was given a low end five figure advance that paved the way for my retirment from law enforcement to becoming a full time writer.
8.) They are contracted with several celebrity writers, including Jeff Breslaur(sp) from Pixar.

They have come a long way from their crappy Emerald Falcon Press days. I have been told they have never been a vanity press. But, they sure as hell sound like one at times. LOL

Great questions! With so many scams out there, (PA, AH, etc) you guys are wise to be skeptical. I hope that answersed all of your questions.



Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
In a van down by the river
That is correct.

1.) They have five distributors-including Baker Taylor and Ingram
2.) Previous unpublished authors-unless they are a celebrity-only get a 500 print run and will not get an advance. Wandering Sage is still a small press.
3.) When I signed my series over to them, they did a 10,000 print run of "The Breach of Crowns." (The launch of this book was hosted by Gen Con Indy-the largest gaming convention in the world.) It sold out in three weeks and we have recently re-negotiated the deal.
4.) They offer industry standard discounts (40%) to retail chains.
5.) They maintain the industry standard return policy.
6.) They recently started a graphic novel division making graphic novels from my series, as well as movie adaptations. They employ artists such as Daniel Brannan-Marvel, James Hill-Abyss Walker, Dan Harding-MTG, Billy Tackett-Abyss Walker, Mitch Foust, Master Sculptor Kendall Hart, and a few others.
7.) I was given a low end five figure advance that paved the way for my retirment from law enforcement to becoming a full time writer.
8.) They are contracted with several celebrity writers, including Jeff Breslaur(sp) from Pixar.

They have come a long way from their crappy Emerald Falcon Press days. I have been told they have never been a vanity press. But, they sure as hell sound like one at times. LOL

Great questions! With so many scams out there, (PA, AH, etc) you guys are wise to be skeptical. I hope that answersed all of your questions.


Shane, welcome to AW. I hope you spend some time with us.

I'm a bit confused by some of your claims and would appreciate some clarification. I've bolded some of my concerns.

Who are the other distributors (by name) other than Baker & Taylor and Ingram?

A 500 print run is really not bad for a POD book. I rarely see such a thing in small press. At least not in my genre and the idiots I've dealt with. LOL.

Are you telling me that you received a 10,000 print run on a Trade Paperback book that retails for $23.95? With six by nine dimensions, and that price, it indicates a to me that this is a print-on-demand book. Or, per chance, is this a hardback? Because that's a hardback price, even with your high page count. What I really don't get is why this/these books weren't printed mass-market-paperback, since the price break on a 10,000 print run (on offset) would be totally economic and more feasable.
I mean, who in their right mind does a print run like that on a TB. Was this a graphic novel with pictures? That might explain the format and high cover cost, me thinks.

If you sold out your print run since your July 2008 release, I'm wondering why your Amazon numbers are over three million (Breach), every bit as flat as mine are, BTW, and the other three books that I can find in your series all register over the million mark. That indicates no sales in a very long time. Granted, you're out-of-stock on Breach, but a title that sold that well shouldn't be out of stock for very long at all. Somebody should be on the ball getting that title restocked. Now, there is a possibility that you sold all of those books at the big gaming con. If so, that's stunning! Never heard of such a thing. But...do you have bookstore placement? (on the shelves) or are you selling primarily out of the big cons and on the internet?

Competitive standard discounts start at the bottom line of 40%. Their most frequent range begins at 45% and goes all the way up to 65%. Grocery and discount dept stores typically demand the highest discounts.

You say a low-end five-figure advance. That means you pulled, at the bare minimum, 10,000 smackers. This is also gobsmacking to me, even for a small press series of four books. Not impossible, I guess, if there are four books involved.

Forgive me for my skepticism, and honest to God, I'm totally dancing in the aisles for you, but in my 22 years of the publishing game, I've never seen such performance and print runs from a small press, the likes of Wandering Sage. I could be wrong and I might be. Perchance I should red-shift my azz over to their website right now, because I've definitely been missing out on a golden ticket on this one.

I wish you all the best with them. Thanks for any info.


Bleak House Books

Super Member
Jul 3, 2005
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Madison, WI
For what it's worth, here is the information that comes up on Nielsen Bookscan.

Shane Moore - The Breach of Crowns - Trade Paper - $23.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 07/01/2008 release date - 0 units sold since release

Shane Moore - The Plea of Apollisian - Trade Paper - $19.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 08/01/2008 release date - 13 units sold since release

Shane Moore - The Trial of Innocence - Trade Paper - $19.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 10/01/2008 release date - 8 units sold since release

It should be kept in mind that Bookscan would more than likely NOT be keeping track of sales at something like Gen Con. However, it is keeping track of over the counter sales at the large chains (Barnes and Noble, Borders, etc.)

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score

Yikes, I did not know I would be under such scrutiny. LOL I figured my two franchise writers, upcoming graphic novels, and tour schedule would put fears to rest. No big deal. I welcome all questions.

First-Distributors. They have more than I originally thought. (Made a call.)
Jon Reed -Australia. (Yes, Simon Haynes does not have a monopoly on sci-fantasy in Aussie land! LOL) There is Ingram UK Branch, Nacscorp, Mathew Medical, and many others.

Yep! You are right on, there initial run is 500 POD for newbs. I don't know the exact contract details, but I do know that D. Mikels received a 500 print run. 500 POD books kind of defeats the point, but I am pretty sure all new (previously unpublished) writers get this run.

Yes, I received a 10,000 print run of BOC. The retail price is 19.95. The cost of each book-at after my discount-is about two bucks. BOC was made as a paperback-all of the Abyss Walker paperbacks will be 19.95.

In regards to formatting-I have no idea. I don't work for them. As previously mentioned, I purchase the books at author discount of about two bucks a book.

"Breach of Crowns" and "A Prisoner's Welcome" are both out of print. (As paperbacks-this explain the online sales a bit.) I renegotiated my contract after the initial run. The original contracted six books are now going to be released as hard back collector books. Each of these have been cut in two to make the paperbacks. Thus my original six book contract with them was extended into eighteen. Any APW or BOC books you see for sale are NOT NEW. The break down looks like this;

"A Prisoners Welcome"
"The Plea of Apollisian"
"The Trial of Innocence"
"The Breach of Crowns"
"Death of Kings"

I do sell a lot of books a gaming cons. My royalty checks cover enough to pay for my house payment and most of the electric bill for the quarter. The rest of my income comes from school speeches and convention sales. Despite my unprecedented success at this early in the game, it is difficult to remain a full time writer off of these few book sales.

I do have book store sales. It is hit and miss on the shelves. December 20th I had a signing at Barnes and Noble superstore in Fairview Heights IL. They carry Abyss Walker books on the shelf. Go beyond the St Louis market and it becomes more sparse. Example, there is a Borders in Pittsburgh that sells a fairly consistent amount of books. (No, I don't have family there. LOL)

The 40% is not withstanding the distribution rates. Wandering Sage is not in any department stores that I know of. I wish they were.

On to my advance royalty check. I probably should get all huffy here and shout it is none of anyone's business. However, my advance check was for 10k and some change. It was not for four books, but ALL of the books. Each book was broken down and listed separately. The total was 10k and some change. The existing books were not advanced. This contract includes the stand alone work titled; "The Wererat's Tale" and the four graphic novels.

Wandering Sage is not your typical publisher. They are more of a specialty house. If you have nothing to offer in star power, or you are not referred, you will likely not get a contract. Many of their new writers are there on referral. If I told you my royalty percentage, you would be even more skeptical. But, I will say this; their checks cash and my sales are real.

Let's also get one thing straight-I am not the guy with masters in English Lit. I am a dork police detective that wrote some average prose that people seem to like-A BUNCH!

I am shocked at my success. But like my friend Michael Stackpole told me-"Ride the wave like you should be on top of it." My success is largely because of the powers that be in this genre like my work. They jumped on board, taught me the ropes, and have recently turned me loose.

I don't want to name drop, but do some research on me. You will see that I have had quite a wild ride the last two years and it is only going to get better!!!!


P.S. Do you write? What have you published? Message me privately.
[email protected]

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
For what it's worth, here is the information that comes up on Nielsen Bookscan.

Shane Moore - The Breach of Crowns - Trade Paper - $23.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 07/01/2008 release date - 0 units sold since release

Shane Moore - The Plea of Apollisian - Trade Paper - $19.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 08/01/2008 release date - 13 units sold since release

Shane Moore - The Trial of Innocence - Trade Paper - $19.95 - Lightning Source (publisher) - 10/01/2008 release date - 8 units sold since release

It should be kept in mind that Bookscan would more than likely NOT be keeping track of sales at something like Gen Con. However, it is keeping track of over the counter sales at the large chains (Barnes and Noble, Borders, etc.)

Aside from this information being incorrect-your intent is obvious. LOL For example, TOI was released ON December 20th, POA's contract (included in the sereis contract) was not even signed until Sept 23rd, and BOC's launch was hosted by Gen Con ON AUGUST 14th. It would not have been commerical available for two more weeks. BOC's retial was 19.95. See previous post.)



Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Somewhere between sanity and barking mad
Aside from this information being incorrect-your intent is obvious.
Intent? Hmmm, not sure what you mean by that, but Ben is a great guy with a very big heart and a very successful house.

Bookscan is our bible in this business. It gets frustrating, however, because it's not necessarily accurate with respect to actual sales. We have some authors, for instance, who blow out big numbers with their back of the room sales. The USC bookstore, which sells a bucket load of one of our author's books isn't signed on with Bookscan, so those sales don't register either. But that doesn't mean the books aren't selling.


Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
In a van down by the river
Shane, thanks for your explanation. It seems that you're privvy to some exceptions to some general rules because your circumstances are different and, alas, you have done very well. I wish you the best of success. And please note that we do ask some very hard-nosed questions here, so please don't take offense, and thanks for suffering me.

Oh, and you can check my website out for a bio/credit list. In short--non-fiction books, radio plays, shorts, poems, novels, and profiles and articles. I guess the only thing I haven't published is a screenplay. But I will say that my last two publishers were/are nightmares, so I am very wary about POD small press at the moment.

Oh, I laughed about Simon owning Australia! I tried desperately to whoo his publisher and got shown the door. SF and humor are great bed fellows with me.


Bleak House Books

Super Member
Jul 3, 2005
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Madison, WI
Aside from this information being incorrect-your intent is obvious. LOL For example, TOI was released ON December 20th, POA's contract (included in the sereis contract) was not even signed until Sept 23rd, and BOC's launch was hosted by Gen Con ON AUGUST 14th. It would not have been commerical available for two more weeks. BOC's retial was 19.95. See previous post.)


Shane, I don't have any intent. I don't have a horse in the race. There was discussion regarding your book sales (including how they were doing in the chains) and I provided, as far as I know, the data from the only agency that tracks sales in the chains.

When I put your name in the Bookscan website that's the information (the information I spelled out before) that comes up. I'm not manipulating anything. I didn't offer any real analysis.

As Priceless mentioned (and I mentioned earlier), Bookscan would likely not count sales at Cons or speaking engagements at venues other than bookstores. But they do count over the counter sales at the chains.

Sorry if you misread any bad intentions on my part.

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
No hard feelings. I appreciate tough questions in an industry riddled with scammers and pretenders.

I am an exception with many of the rules. I know my success frustrates many quality writers that have paid their dues and been left with little compensation and notoriety. I often feel like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of the literary world. Like Arnold, I am continuously trying to become better at my craft, yet I get more attention that I am due.

There is still much of this industry that I do not know, but I have a fine working grasp of the basics.

I am a bit perplexed at the bookscan results. I know I sold 26 books at Barnes and Noble (In Fairview Heights) on December 20th. (POA and TOI) As mentioned earlier, APW and BOC will be out of print until the collector's editions are released later this month.


Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Shane, thanks for your explanation. It seems that you're privvy to some exceptions to some general rules because your circumstances are different and, alas, you have done very well. I wish you the best of success. And please note that we do ask some very hard-nosed questions here, so please don't take offense, and thanks for suffering me.

Oh, and you can check my website out for a bio/credit list. In short--non-fiction books, radio plays, shorts, poems, novels, and profiles and articles. I guess the only thing I haven't published is a screenplay. But I will say that my last two publishers were/are nightmares, so I am very wary about POD small press at the moment.

Oh, I laughed about Simon owning Australia! I tried desperately to whoo his publisher and got shown the door. SF and humor are great bed fellows with me.


Simon is becoming one of the power houses down there, that is for sure. I was knighted by the TECA (a commercial castle) last year and I most of my Aussie fans are HUGE Hal fans!



Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Well it seems I have some bad press going around...LOL..... troubling to be sure I don’t mind answering any question directed to me.
1st – Vanity Press issue….. No I am not, may have appeared that way ( long story don’t mind explaining)
2nd – Have we had hard times adjusting and building…. Sure who hasn’t, we have made our mistakes and I am not above explaining those either

Either way just wanted to introduce the one everybody seems so concerned over…

Hi *waves*
Last edited:


Writer Beware Goddess
Kind Benefactor
Absolute Sage
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Feb 11, 2005
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Far from the madding crowd
Something is not adding up here.

Shane Moore's books are printed by Lightning Source, which means they're print on demand. But POD, or digital printing, ceases to be cost-effective at around (I believe) 1,000 copies, after which offset becomes cheaper. So that doesn't really tally with the claimed 10,000 copy print run. Unless the initial run was done offset and the publisher has switched to digital for back orders? But Shane also said that the book's initial run sold out in three weeks. With that kind of demand, you'd think that offset would be used for a second printing too.

Shane says that physical bookstore placement is "hit and miss." He also says he makes many sales at cons. It's hard for me to imagine that between cons and "hit and miss" bookstore placement you could sell 10,000 copies in three weeks.

Interestingly, Book 1 of Shane's series, A Prisoner's Welcome, was originally published in 2006 by Vantage Press, a well-known vanity publisher.

- Victoria

Author Shane Moore

Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Something is not adding up here.

Shane Moore's books are printed by Lightning Source, which means they're print on demand. But POD, or digital printing, ceases to be cost-effective at around (I believe) 1,000 copies, after which offset becomes cheaper. So that doesn't really tally with the claimed 10,000 copy print run. Unless the initial run was done offset and the publisher has switched to digital for back orders? But Shane also said that the book's initial run sold out in three weeks. With that kind of demand, you'd think that offset would be used for a second printing too.

Shane says that physical bookstore placement is "hit and miss." He also says he makes many sales at cons. It's hard for me to imagine that between cons and "hit and miss" bookstore placement you could sell 10,000 copies in three weeks.

Interestingly, Book 1 of Shane's series, A Prisoner's Welcome, was originally published in 2006 by Vantage Press, a well-known vanity publisher.

- Victoria

Claimed?! Are you kidding me? GRRRRRRR

-Begin angry sarcasm

You are right. I made it all up. My work doesn't really have my picture on the back. I did not really write them, I am not touring with Peter Mayhew and he is NOT a character in my series, I do not work with any authors, one convention alone did not order 2k copies in my contract appearance guarantee, I do not have a contract with metamorph USA for cotume apparal and they do not order books for their shows either. I am not contracted with Roy C Booth to write an Abyss Walker trilogy, and I am not meeting with Roy and Brian Keene at the end of this month to pitch Brian with an Abyss Walker novel. I did not get writing help from Matt Stover, I did not get tips on POV and character building from Michael Stackpole, I have not been the guest at scores of conventions, Gen Con did not host the launch of "The Breach of Crowns," I do not have an artist team, I am not contracted with Game Club HG to produce a for profit fan site, I am not working on an aduio play of my series with Jeff Breslaur from Pixar, I do not have an agent, a booking agent and a publicist, and I am not working on projects with Chase Masterson and James Kerwin.
-end angry sarcasm. GRRRRRRRR

I did not post on this forum to bolster my ego. I listed my numbers to explain that my publisher is a REAL royalty paying house.

I am done with this thread. See you guys at the bank.


P.S> Yes, my first novel; "A Prisoner's Welcome" was through a vanity press. The success I had with it garned a REAL contract.



volitare nequeo
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
right here
The only thing being questioned is the sales number--not the entire reality of your life. A constructive approach would be to say through what venues those sales were actually made and how you acheived it. After all, it is a query on a point of fact that you no doubt have all the figures on. We are used to the majority of sales being in store--you seem to be using other channels? Why not discuss them and share the story of your success?
Last edited:

Sheryl Nantus

Holding out for a Superhero...
Super Member
Feb 12, 2005
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Brownsville, Pennsylvania. Or New Babbage, Second
the hissy fit doesn't do well for your online appearance.

and, frankly, considering the amount of merchandise sold on the site other than books, it's not out of the question to ask about what's going on.

and I trust Vic's comments. She's done more than most of us ever will and has access to way more sources than almost anyone I know.