How to find a publisher:
Go to a bookstore.
Find books similar to your own.
Note the names of the publishers.
Look them up in Writer's Market.
Follow their submission guidelines.
Submit your work to the BIGGEST house you can find.
Work your way down from there.
Be writing your next book.
Polish the first one when it gets rejected (no one escapes) and keep sending it out.
By the time you reach pissant operations like this you will have either made a sale or have that second book finished.
In publishing you always start at the
top and work your way down.
You may think small publishers are more lenient. They aren't. Generally they are way more picky about what to publish because they do not have the money to invest in a new writer. The big companies DO.
"Publishers" like this are useless to a serious writer. They can't get books into stores, want the writer to foot the bill for editing, etc., and the average Girl Scout selling cookies is better at promotion and distribution.
Finding an agent:
Go to a bookstore.
Find books like yours.
Get writer's name, check their website.
They usually mention who reps for them.
Look up agent, follow submission guidelines.
Send them a book they absolutely fall in love with and demand to represent for you.
No pressure.