Hello from Vanilla Heart Publishing
My name is Kimberlee Williams and I am the managing editor and co-owner of Caged Heart Publications, which has the imprints Caged Heart Publishing and Vanilla Heart Publishing. We stumbled upon these posts in AW’s forum, and were very pleased to see them. OK, so we are disappointed that we didn’t make the best first impression with our website and FAQs, but we were pleased to gain valuable feedback from talented, experienced, and professional authors.
CHP was started as an alternative lifestyle and alternative sexuality erotic publisher, and as such, the rules for publishing that genre are very different from the mainstream genres. When we decided to open the VHP imprint, we admit to a learning curve deficit for a short time until we learned the different rules for mainstream publishing. The VHP imprint has now been in business about a year, and we believe we are going full swing with this imprint.
Based on your comments here, we realize that there may have been some ambiguity in some of our FAQs. Because of this, we have revised our FAQs to make those issues clearer. Our actual policies haven’t changed, but we did want to remove any confusion the FAQs may have caused. We hope you authors will review them and let us know, without holding any punches, if there are other issues that are sparking ‘red flags’ for you. We’re tough. We can take it if it means making our company a better place for authors to consider submitting their books.
It is the authors and their books that make our publishing company shine, and we want you to know that we take your feedback seriously, so that we can continue to provide a publishing company that really puts the authors first. Just to clear up any confusion, we are not a vanity or subsidized publisher. We never charge the author for anything, period. We can and do reject manuscripts daily. We can and have offered advances. We are a small publisher, so we can’t offer huge advances nor can we offer an advance on every book we offer a contract. The smallest advance we have offered (when we have offered an advance) was $300.00 and the largest thus far was $4,000.00. We hope to offer more advances in the future.
We realize that we are not a typical publisher, and we say that repeatedly on our site. We don’t want to be a large conglomerate that takes a months to respond to queries, a year or more to get the books out and doesn’t have personal contact with our authors. We want to make dreams come true, help aspiring authors break into publishing, and treat authors with the respect their talent deserves. Our standard publishing contract is available for review prior to submitting to us and we are available to answer any questions you may have.
Keep in mind, even though we want to give every author who submits a chance to be published, we simply cannot do that. Some manuscripts just aren’t polished or well written enough to publish, and others may be good, but would require too much invested time and money to make them cost effective for us to publish. Currently, we only are slotting 12 titles plus two anthologies for Vanilla Heart for 2008, though we hope to double that for 2009, because we want the time and the finances to properly promote and market our titles. This means the majority of manuscripts submitted to us will be rejected. (Caged Heart will be offering 17 titles in 2008, possibly 19, and 24 in 2009)
I hope this clears up any confusion about VHP, and that you authors will let us know if there are other issues we may need to address to make our publishing company a place where all authors can be proud to submit and be published. Again, if you have any questions, please contact us, and we will answer them as quickly as possible.
Thank you again for your honest feedback.
Kimberlee Williams
Managing Editor
Vanilla Heart Publishing