Oh yes, I use it all the time! Love that it overlays lot lines with satellite views.
We’re far enough west of Boston & its suburbs that I don’t think the Annapolis Valley would feel too “small”. Ideally we’d be close enough to shopping in New Minas, or Greenwood to do it as needed rather than making a monthly trek. We’ve done some exploring of that area, but need to do more.
The Valley is pretty small, to be honest. When you take into account that the total population of Nova Scotia didn't crack the 1-million mark till 2023 or 2024, and half the population lives in or very close to Halifax, the populations of Valley towns such as New Minas are fairly small.
I live in West Bedford, which has seen rapid growth in the past few years. My apartment is quite spacious, so I have lots of room for book shelves. But older apartments and condos in the area are usually smaller.
Something I forgot to mention is the cost of groceries in Nova Scotia. Food isn't cheap here because most of it is shipped long distances. On the plus side, there are many farms in the Valley that grow wonderful produce, and if you like to garden, the Valley has the best growing conditions in the province.
My daughter-in-law's brother almost bought a new house on a slab close to the area where you're looking. But the well water didn't pass the test. Some of the newer builds seem to be on slabs (probably to save money, as you suggest), but as a dyed-in-the-wool older Canadian, I don't think I could bring myself to buy a house without a basement.
Laundry on the main floor would be awesome, though!