Split depends on if we are supplying cover art or if the author (especially repub) is coming in with artwork already. J.F. Postumus was one of these, she actually did her own artwork and it's a 70/30 split to her. Otherwise, we shift it to 60/40 so that there's a better chance of recouping the cost on the cover art. And if writing a novel in someone else's universe, it's a 50/40/10 split, where the IP holder of the universe gets 10% as universe creator. We haven't exercised this one yet, but with a number of the novels that we have currently in work, it will go into effect next year.
I've been running our print copies through Ingram/Sparks and listing them with Gardners/Neilson in order to get the expanded distribution to brick and mortar stores, including those overseas.
Sales wise, we're growing. We get an average of 2,000-4,000 page reads a day and selling print copies through both amazon and Ingram daily. Each title has had a different response, but going from epic fantasy to military scifi to urban fiction can do that.
Also, every convention that I have been able to attend and set up a table, I have. Currently on the list for next year are Superstars Chattacon, LIbertyCon, FantiSci, Metrotham, and RavenCon, plus I'm attending the Superstars Writing seminar in February.
We're still small, but growing.