I use Sonar3 too! And it looks like the website has been updated since I last went there (oh, probably a few years back now). The program is free, but I get enough use out of it, I wanted to donate or something but couldn't make it work then. So I should make sure I've got the most up to date version and try to register again.
Edit: And done. That was much easier than last time I tried. (I'm not sure about this font change in the update though...

But yes. I have online tracking, offline, and then just my general sorting of email, etc. Too much? I don't know, but if one of them breaks I'll still know what's happening with my stories. And if all of them break, there are probably much bigger problems (apocalypse, anyone) going on.
My February goals are almost exactly the same as January. Just, you know, different story and that sort of thing. Not going to write the same story and stuff (might make it a real easy goal). Edit will be my Secret Solstice story, and I might browse through the prompts there to see if one catches me for the story I write this month.
Probably no bank robberies, but you never know.
(I also have novel related goals, and that sort of thing, but I'm going with no minimum on them. So in January I didn't even get one full chapter edited, and that's okay. I'm determined to at least finish that chapter this month, and that will be my focus today.)