How To Submit
The First Step
If you have a book that you would like to submit, first send us a query letter. It should consist of a one-paragraph synopsis of your book and a one-paragraph biography of yourself listing any credentials or previously published work. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for our response.
We will respond to your query in three to six months. Please do not call the agency to inquire whether or not we received your query letter. To answer your question would mean going through piles of letters to look for yours. If you need to know whether or not we received your query, consider sending it "return receipt requested."
The Next Step
If we have contacted you and asked you to send your work, we suggest the following guidelines.
In General
Manuscripts occasionally get lost or damaged, so always keep a copy of your submission for yourself. Never send an original. Make sure that your work has a title page with your name, address, and telephone number. The pages of your manuscript should be numbered and have your name and/or the name of your work on every page.
Your manuscript should be unbound, double-spaced, and with a ragged right margin. There should be a one-inch margin on all sides of every page.
Make sure to enclose a biography of yourself listing your credentials, any previously published work, sales numbers, etc. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your manuscript. Without this, we wll not be able to return your work. Please allow at least three months for our response.
For a Work of Fiction
Follow all of the above guidelines, but make sure to enclose a one-page synopsis of your manuscript and the first fifty pages.
For a Work of Non-Fiction
Follow the general guidelines, but include a half-page overview of the book; a table of contents listing each chapter and chapter title; an expanded table of contents detailing the contents of each chapter; and a couple of sample chapters.