I was born in Russia, but I lived in Brazil until I was 4 years old. Then I lived in Russia until the war in Ukraine broke out. I lived in Canada for A year. Now I live in America
As much as I loved Russia, America is significantly better. Each has its problems; Russia has sanctions, poor infrastructure, and poor economic conditions. America has homelessness, crazy politics, (but let’s face it, both do) inflation, and a peculiar school system. But, at the same time, I love it here in America. People are so nice, and I can actually get the real thing, not the Russian knockoff.
Russia had its perks, such as beautiful churches, an actual subway system (don’t even get me started on Amtrak) and great culture.
I liked Canada because I feel like everyone was pretty healthy. The only thing I have against it is how long it took me to get anywhere. Although, I think it was more of a regional thing.
I don’t remember much of Brazil was like.I do remember that it was very hot and humid though.