killin' all teh werds
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Voice activated. Yes, those devices do exist.
Little Anonymous Me:
Ma'am, I don't know who you're trying to fool, but the future is not now.
"Oh good! Maggie was wrong. The door is unlocked so I can leave now."
Ambrosia walked through the exit of The Dastardly Dungeon of Deliciously Devious Drinks only to find a shiny new bar in front of her. The sign above the bar read The Great Ganymede Grill & Bar. Turning back to the doorway, a blank wall stood where the portal had been.
"I see Maggie was right after all. Hotel California."
Huh. I don't think I replied to the last one... so maybe I'll be involved in this one. Finally.
He just talks about the projects he's gotten, but does so in high-publishing jargon, as if everyone knows the innards of the industry intimately, which we don't. "I had that going to Diamond Distributors, because you know there's no choice, and..." huh? I had to stop him and ask. "Oh, you must not know comic books." Not particularly, no. "Well, there's only one distributor for comic books at all now, Diamond." Ah, I see. So easily could have reworded that to be clear rather than self-important. Ah well.
Oh. Name dropping Diamond in a way that requires condescending explanation... sounds like a bad scene all around. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was originally a marginalized nerd that's made good, and is just being a little petty about his success, but yeah... not classy.
i don't think i've ever seen a thread hit 20k before. congrats to y'all! have a round on me!
The castle (Royalty for a Week) where I spend an inordinate amount of time is currently on it's 4th volume and is sitting at 23,222 posts. So the 5th volume can't be far away.