@Superkate - It'll come. And if it's not with your current book, it may be with your next. Things are really slow right now. I'm sure you've heard that the last couple of years in publishing have been sucky. Agents are taking on less, as publishers are acquiring (at least in kidlit) an average of a book a month. I know it's hard to concentrate on another project, but you need to force yourself to or else querying is going to drive you nuts.
BTW, You may know this already, but Middle Grade Minded is
currently looking for bloggers to contribute to their blog. I think you'd be wonderful for you considering you have a blog of your own. It could drive traffic to both your website and MGM, and also get you some exposure. I've considered doing it, but I really don't know what's holding me back...
@heza - When you gotta wait, you gotta wait. Worst part is they're prob going to drive you nuts when the time comes for the rebranding.
I've never understood how people manage to co-op with other writers on projects. I mean, I wouldn't know where to start, especially if the project is someone else's brainchild. Kudos to you. Also, don't skip on that Saturday alone time. Make it count.
As for me, I've made loads more friends on Twitter. I hope to grow a little and aim at some sort of exposure (hence considering MGM contributions). But I'm still very much a wallflower when it comes to that. I love humor though, so I've been having fun. Haven't heard a peep submission-wise, so there's that.
I recently contributed the first page of my current manuscript to Kathy Teaman's Free Fall Friday. Alison Weiss, editor at Sky Pony Press, is guest critiquing and I thought I'd submit for fun. Kate, you should consider submitting.
Deadline is the 19th.
On another note, my vision has substantially diminished and I have been having some trouble seeing. My left eye is worse then the right. It's gotten to the point where it's really noticeable and irritating. I think I'll be visiting the eye doctor very soon. I always fear that it's multiple sclerosis creeping upon me. My grandmother died of it, my mom is showing signs, and my body aches and spasms a lot, etc. So I really don't know what to do.
In any event, happy Friday all!