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Texas Family Magazine


Warning to freelancers: I have written for Texas Family Magazine since its launch in January 2006 and have recently filed complaints against them with the Internet Crime Commission (www.ic3.gov) and the Better Business Bureau. I have hesitated to speak ill of them, but I simply cannot watch a new freelancer get signed on to write for someone who is not paying for work submitted.

I currently have two invoices that are overdue. One is overdue by 3 months and the other by 7 months. I have not been paid since the Nov/Dec 2007 issue.

I strongly discourage anyone from accepting writing jobs from this magazine. While they have a good purpose and content focus, their publisher has been consistently non-paying with me.

I can of course only speak to my own experience but I have been told by other writers that they have not been paid since Nov/Dec either. I cannot confirm any claims other than my own. If you want to discuss this further, you may contact me on this board. Thanks and be careful out there.


Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
College Station
I wrote for Texas Family Magazine in 2006 and the beginning of 2007, while Jennifer Skovan was the Editor-In-Chief. Jennifer and Jesse Santiago's (the Publisher) goal of creating a family values and parenting magazine for Texas is a great cause and the magazine's editorial quality is without comparision in its category and territory.

I have noticed a thread on Texas Family Magazine, and wanted to offer my feedback, both positive and negative, on the magazine. First, I wanted to point out that I enjoyed working with both Jennifer Skovan and Jesse Santiago, and found both to be professional and highly qualified. Their experience level and background is leaps and bounds above most other magazine media executives in Texas.

With regards to payment, I was paid for ALL the articles I submitted as agreed. Over half were paid on time, with the others paid at most a month after submission. I have found this to be characteristic of, if not better than, most magazines in Texas. My only real complaint is the compensation level. Texas Family Magazine's price/word is less than the majority of regional magazines I have worked with. The lower compensation has been driven by the willingness local writers to support the cause, as well as professional doctors, therapists, and educators, who have provided discounted or free editorial to the publication.


Brian Boru
Super Member
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
The desert of S. California and the coast of N. Ir
Welcome to the cooler.

We try to keep things neat and tidy around here by opening one thread per publisher/agent. Since there is already an existing thread, you should have posted your remarks there.

Fortunately, you're new so they won't put you in the dungeon this time. ;)