More honest than most “fee-based" publishers, but still aims to mislead.
Oh, lord, they've conflated the Stephen King and John Grisham myths.Kevin Yarbrough said:They can't even spell Stephen King's name right and them saying he sold books out of his trunk was what really put me off.
IOW, "We accept anything, except the stuff we don't accept."Many publishers exercise some sort of censorship on their published material. At Taylor-Dth Publishing we do not believe in censorship. We will accept any subject matter for publishing, whether controversial or unique in some other aspect. However, we will not accept pornography, hate related material, or works libelous in nature.
Well--glad they cleared that up for us!What are 'rights'?
Again, there are many issues involved here and a thorough reading of the contract is important, especially the small print! One item is sales; who can sell what where. Are you giving the publisher an exclusive or non exclusive right to sell your books? You want to keep your options open, so non exclusive is the way to go. Please call us for more information.