Kristian, thanks for coming aboard to talk about your company. Given the large numbers of publishing services we've already seen here, what can you tell me how Spinetinglers is going to help its authors market their books? Visibility is key in this business. Author self-marketing can do only so much to get a book noticed outside the circle of 100 -150 buyers typically reached through family, friends, and local sales.
Is your 1000-sale refund guarantee in effect through multiple contract extensions, or does it reset with each extension? Is a refund, pro-rated or not, available to the author while the book is in production?
I worry about the apparent misinformation on your site, not because I think you are intentionally misleading potential authors, but because it shows some gaps in your industry knowledge. Unknown authors get published all the time by established commercial companies...if the books in question are of commercial quality and theme.
I have seen a few great self-pub and vanity-pub books too quirky for commercial publication. But for the most part, stuff that gets commercially rejected is often just not ready for wider publication. It may fit in a niche or local market just fine, or it may require substantial developmental editing and revision to reach its potential. Does your editing team have the experience to do that?