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Small Dogma Publishing


Writing, fencing, and chocolate!!!
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Sep 9, 2009
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Middle Earth
So I found this small publisher online and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them. After a bad experience with a small publisher, I now come to AW before submitting anywhere.

Anyone have anything to say about Small Dogma Publishing?

Their website - http://www.smalldogma.com/


Apr 25, 2009
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The Great White North
From their website FAQ's

Q: Does my book have to be edited?
A: We do expect submission to be at edited quality, or submitted with the understanding they will need to be edited before publication, either by us or another party of the author’s choosing.

--- to me this means: Either you pay us to edit your work, or you find someone else to edit it, either way, you're paying for it.

Can I submit my own cover art?
A: Yes- It may be slightly altered if our graphic designer needs to make improvements, but in most cases we are happy to use an author’s design or picture.
(Bolding mine)

---my take on what this means: we don't care what your book looks like. in fact, it probably means that if you want them to design the cover for you, you're going to be charged --- I mean, what the heck does the average author know about cover art?
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Writing, fencing, and chocolate!!!
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Sep 9, 2009
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Middle Earth
--- to me this means: Either you pay us to edit your work, or you find someone else to edit it, either way, you're paying for it.

---my take on what this means: we don't care what your book looks like. in fact, it probably means that if you want them to design the cover for you, you're going to be charged --- I mean, what the heck does the average author know about cover art?


URG! This is the same bad-small-publisher thing I ran into last time. Oh, well.

Thanks for the help!
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Feb 26, 2010
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I've gotten one unconfirmed report that they ask for a fee for editing.

- Victoria

They offered to publish my book if I paid for editing. They said I could go outside of them or I could pay them a flat fee of $400. They also said I needed to buy 150 of my own books from them because I am a first time author.

I'm surprised they haven't been mentioned more on this site. Black Rose also offered to publish my book with the same kind of deal but Black Rose has a ton of bad stuff written on this site.

My question is: If you go with a small publisher, are you going to be expected to pay for your own books? Is that standard?


Mostly Harmless
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They offered to publish my book if I paid for editing. They said I could go outside of them or I could pay them a flat fee of $400. They also said I needed to buy 150 of my own books from them because I am a first time author.

I'm surprised they haven't been mentioned more on this site. Black Rose also offered to publish my book with the same kind of deal but Black Rose has a ton of bad stuff written on this site.

My question is: If you go with a small publisher, are you going to be expected to pay for your own books? Is that standard?
Nope and nope. Any publisher of any size who expects their authors to pay for any part of the process is a vanity publisher. Period and full stop.

Momento Mori

Tired and Disillusioned
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Sep 25, 2006
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Here and there
Small Dogma Publishing Website:
• Who do you see as your target audience? How do you plan to reach them?
• What is your sales/promotion strategy?

Both of these are questions that authors should be asking of Small Dogma.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
Small Dogma Publishing is a company dedicated to authors who desire to “come to voice.”

What the hell does "come to voice" mean?

If it's charging editorial fees and requiring authors to purchase copies of their own books then actually, it is a vanity press.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
Q: How long do I have to wait until I hear back after submitting my manuscript?
A: Approximately 2-3 weeks

That's a ridiculously short turn around time and not a great sign.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
We are a company created for the “open-minded,” but do hold close to our “closed-handed” values of helping others, granting dreams, providing quality products and inspiration.

What does being a publisher have to do with helping others and granting dreams? Are they a charity or a commercial business?

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
We are always looking for authors who are excited about promoting their book, especially when they come with a vision of success.

Authors should be excited about writing their book. Publishers should be excited about promoting books because they think that they'll make money from them.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
We are a traditional Publisher and who has had the pleasure of facilitating the growth and sales of many great authors over the past two years.

By "traditional Publisher", do they mean commercial publisher? What kind of sales figures have their authors enjoyed on average per title and what has Small Dogma done to generate those sales (as compared with what the author has done)?

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
We have also accepted several authors on a subsidy basis if we feel the author has merit but does not qualify for our traditional model.

Any press charging authors to publish is a vanity press. Publishers should be paying authors an advance - money flows to the author not the other way around.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
We give back to the community, country, and world through dedication of time and resources to make a real difference. $.50 of every book sold is given to the Feed The Children organization in order to support those with the inability to support themselves.

Does that 50 cents come out of the author's cut or the publisher's?

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
Nationwide Distribution

Means nothing unless they've got books in store for placement.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
International Book Publishing Association affiliation

Do they mean the International Publisher's Association or the Independent Book Publisher's Association? Because a Google search doesn't reveal any professional association by the name of International Book Publishing Association.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
Barnes and Noble vendor of record

Means nothing unless they've got books in store for placement.

Small Dogma Publishing Website:
The fairest contract in the industry.
  • Author keeps movie rights.
  • Author keeps copyright.
  • Contract is renegotiated after 5 years (not for life) to ensure both you and our company are meeting each other’s expectations.
  • Fair Royalties
  • Author gets final review of manuscript
  • And more…
Author keeps movie rights anyway. This is not only fair - it's an industry standard.

Author keeps copyright anyway. No publisher should ever be taking copyright from an author - publishers only take publishing rights.

Contract renegotiation - I hope that means an author can walk away rather than Small Dogma having the right to impose terms.

"Fair royalties" - well, one person's view of "fair" may not be the same as anothers. I'd like to know exactly what their royalty terms are and how royalties are calculated.

An author should always get final review of the manuscript - this is not an earth shaker and certainly no different to what other publishers do.

The site is assembling a Testimonials page (http://www.smalldogma.com/?page_id=114). Tellingly, the Testimonials are from authors, just as with Publish America. It suggests that the company is aimed at selling itself to authors and not to book readers.

Small Dogma also runs a blog here (http://smalldogma.wordpress.com/). One entry from an author setting out what they had done to increase sales:

Small Dogma Blog:
As a first time author with a smaller publisher, I have put together a plan to increase the sales of my novel. This plan starts with the obvious of family and friends; grows to include cold calling books stores, newspapers, blogs, etc; then to the more sophisticate process of setting up google keywords; and the time consuming commitment of writing my own blog. Below is my high-level marketing plan:
• Contact Family and Friends
o Book Clubs
• Purchase Google Key Words
• Write Blog and promote book
o Mine is a weekly business blog
o www.closerq.com
• Put together Business Cards
• Write Press Release
• Contact Traditional Media (both phone and email)
o Newspapers, TV, Radio to review and interview me on my novel
• Contact Bloggers to write reviews of my book
o I contacted a wide range of topical bloggers who could fit by book
 Regional: Massachusetts; Nevada, Georgia
 Business and Sales Blogs
 Gambling Blogs
 Book Review Blogs
• Set-up Social Media
o Twitter: http://twitter.com/closerq
o Linkedin: [URL="http://www.linkedin.com/in/shaunpriest"]http://www.linkedin.com/in/shaunpriest[/URL]

All of this should be done by the publisher, not by the author.

One thing to note is that the website doesn't seem to have been updated since August 2009, which of itself is not a good sign.



Shakespearean Fool
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Apr 11, 2005
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and even personality.
Ooh, and even personality? You mean, the characters could even have character? They go way above and beyond on THIS one! [/sarcasm]

Momento Mori

Tired and Disillusioned
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Sep 25, 2006
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Here and there
It doesn't look like anything has changed with the company since the previous posts on this thread. The only site update is for a new book coming out later this month.

Still nothing here that would make me want to submit a book to them.



Writer Beware Goddess
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Absolute Sage
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Feb 11, 2005
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They offered to publish my book if I paid for editing. They said I could go outside of them or I could pay them a flat fee of $400. They also said I needed to buy 150 of my own books from them because I am a first time author.

I've now gotten several reports of this, so it appears to be their ongoing policy.

- Victoria


Aug 15, 2009
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Anybody have an experience, good or bad, with SmallDogma publisher? Thank you.
Lee Woods
Cocoa, FL
p.s. They want me to "pay a small portion" of the publishing cost, although they don't say how much, and they me want to find "some" professional editing service somewhere or they will do it for $400.


One of many
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Jan 29, 2010
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In a world of my own creation

I don't have experience with them, but an author should NEVER pay for publishing. Yog's Law. Money flows TO the author. I would steer clear if they want you to pay, it's probably a vanity press.

Momento Mori

Tired and Disillusioned
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Sep 25, 2006
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Here and there
They want me to "pay a small portion" of the publishing cost, although they don't say how much, and they me want to find "some" professional editing service somewhere or they will do it for $400.

Editing is something that a commercial publisher should be doing for you (that and paying you for your work). You certainly shouldn't be paying anything to be published - especially when there is nothing to suggest that this company can distribute and market your book to maximise sales (indeed, it seems to expect authors to do that for it).

Best thing you can do is start with the big commercial publishers (or preferably agents) and work your way down the list.



Cat hair collector
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Mar 24, 2005
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slightly off center
An acquaintance of mine published through Small Dogma. He's had some problems—the publisher doesn't have a distributor and his books aren't even listed on amazon.com.

I notice that the Small Dogma blog only has two entries, the last one over a year ago. And no postings on Twitter since 10 months ago. That doesn't bode well.
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Mostly Harmless
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Feb 12, 2005
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Coastal Desert
Last book published May '11. Site now in maintenance mode. Not holding breath for its return.