It's a fairly new publisher (opened in April 2014).
Here's the link to their website:
Here's the link to their website:
We are a teaching publisher and believe in broadening our author’s skills .
This is the point when your manuscript will start to get polished ready for publish.
We will also help design a cover for your book. If you want to publish in paperback a full wrap will be produced for you on request. You are also welcome to design your own cover and under discussion will be used for you novel.
As the business grows all our Authors will have an integral role in its development with an opportunity to become a mentor to new Authors.
What do you have to lose?
I hope it all goes well for you, JB. But, unless you have a lot of expertise in the area, please do get someone(s) to help you look over their contract before you sign anything.
I will have someone look their contract over. Thank you, Unimportant
You do not need to format your manuscript but please check for spellings and basic mistakes.
Please note we do not charge our authors nor do we offer retainers.
You all have brought up some really important points that are weighing heavily on my decision. I am definitely going to think about it before I sign anything. Thank you all again.
The website is registered to Ellena Jennings of Swadlincote (, who has to be the Derbyshire-based Silver Rose author E I Jennings; the company started out as a self-publishing venture.
Contracts run year to year and participation in the company is expected.
As a teaching publisher we offer to develop our author's skills in tense, grammar, marketing etc. making YOU a part of Silver Rose.
Silver Rose Publishing
Publisher info
We are a new Publishing House based in the UK offering digital and Print on Demand services. Unlike most publishers we aim to be flexible and supportive to all our Authors.
Silver Rose Publishing - About Us
You do not need a polished manuscript to submit to us, however it does need to be finished. If we believe the manuscript has promise you will be assigned a ...
A Google search brought up a couple of what appear to be discarded pages of the Silver Rose website that didn't get deleted. What little has survived is intriguing:
Home Books Authors About Us Contact Us Supporting Indies
You do not need a polished manuscript to submit to us, however it does need to be finished. If we believe the manuscript has promise you will be assigned a mentor to help guide you through the full process and act as a discussion point for any suggested changes.
You are not alone!
Editing is not as scary as what you may think. Every Author goes through some sort of editing process and our Editors are here to help. Before the manuscript is formatted several edits will take place. Your mentor will guide you through the process and help still those nerves. This is the point when your manuscript will start to get polished ready for publish.
Once editing has been completed its time for our team to start formatting your manuscript into digital and print ready files. You can sit back and wait for us to do this for you.
We will also help design a cover for your book. If you want to publish in paperback a full wrap will be produced for you on request. You are also welcome to design your own cover and under discussion will be used for you novel.
Once everything is done and finalised you will receive a proof copy (either digital or print) before any files are submitted for publish. Once approved your novel is finally ready to be published and managed by us.
We can offer digital publishing with :
Amazon, Kobo, Nook, WHSmith, Barnes & Noble, iBooks etc.
Paperback publishing with:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones (on extended license) and many more.
But we don’t stop there!
Publishing is only the beginning.
Your mentor can also help you set up Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and even a webpage to help market you as an Author and get the publicity you deserve.
We can also offer additional design help for swag and posters.
Midnight Book Tours is also a promotion company owned in conjunction with Silver Rose Publishing.
Through them we will organise Cover Reveals, Release Days, Book Blitz's and many more online activities.
What do you get?
Your manuscript published on multi-platforms.
We offer royalties to all our Authors on both Digital and Paper prints internationally.
You remain the copyright holder for all your works, only giving us exclusive rights to publish on a year to year contract.
Help and guidance with a personal mentor.
As the business grows all our Authors will have an integral role in its development with an opportunity to become a mentor to new Authors.
How do we do it?
Gone are the days when a Publisher had to print a massive run and store all the unsold copies in a warehouse. Thanks to a digital revolution and new Print on Demand services we can now publish in a much more cost efficient way and get manuscripts printed quicker.
Ebooks are now read by more people than ever thanks to tablets and handheld devices. The market is strong and we believe we can use this to help first time Authors and those that need a little more help.
Unlike most Publishing Companies springing up in the US we are one of the few available in the UK.
As we have contracts with major Print on Demand companies in the UK and US we can now offer a printing service that has distribution links to a variety of retailers internationally.
What do you have to lose?
Contact us now
[email protected]
Why Us?
We are a new Publishing House based in the UK offering digital and Print on Demand services. Unlike most publishers we aim to be flexible and supportive to all our authors.
We do not charge for you to publish nor do we pay retainer fees.
You all have brought up some really important points that are weighing heavily on my decision. I am definitely going to think about it before I sign anything. Thank you all again.