Shadowfire/Michael, one of the things I've noticed is that Shadowfire is one of the few epresses who accept, and in fact actively encourage, lesbian (f/f) submissions. Given that you are a m/m author and that you're (quite understandably, and wisely) using your name-recognition status to pull readers to the Shadowfire site, have you found that your audience is transferring over to f/f? I appreciate that given the newness of the press you don't have much data yet in the way of sales figures. But, can you give us ballpark figures for, say, the first 3 months post-release for Shadowfire's m/m vs m/f versus f/f works? So many epresses say they don't accept f/f because it just plain doesn't sell, and I"m wondering if you've run into this as a problem.
Thanks for being willing to answer our questions!
As for typos -- yeah, we all make them, and we all have our own personal finger-flubbles that we're prone to. Which is why I always advocate having someone else proofread the website. Otherwise authors will mistake typos for lack of editing, and that's not a good look.
My readers don't tend to read f/f, it's not their particular cup of tea.
I won't kid you and say that we have huge f/f sales, but they are there and we do have readers interested in f/f stories. Our big problem is we just don't get enough of them. I'd really love to have at least one or two f/f releases every quarter--ideally every month--but the incoming submissions just aren't there. I really think it's because so many pubs
won't consider f/f, that authors who want to write it are discouraged and either self-publish, go with a small GLBT only press, or give up writing f/f. I think if more pubs offered f/f there would be larger sales numbers, but they just don't want to take the risk. For us it's not about the cost of putting a book out, it's about offering books our readers ask for. They'd been asking us about f/f so we decided to offer some f/f titles. Unlike other publishers we're willing to help build an f/f readership if only we'd get more f/f authors and more titles to offer.
We use the GLBT Bookshelf to bring in readers of both m/m and f/f, but, as I said, we just don't have enough f/f to build that readership the way we've built the m/m readership.
We are bucking a bit of reader confusion regarding m/f stories. Most readers didn't realize we also published m/f, but I think we've overcome that misconception as evidenced by the fact Gwen Campbell's 'When a Pack Dies' is still selling very well at All Romance eBooks. It's (look I got it right this time!) also currently the top rated erotic romance ebook at All Romance eBooks. We've also seen some sales on her paranormal scifi backlisted stories.
To answer another question, while we are officially closed to submissions right now, if you mention 'AWer Sub' in the subject line I'd be happy to read any submissions you'd care to send. We are looking for m/f, m/m and f/f erotic romances and, as a helpful hint, paranormal themed stories are the biggest sellers, not only with us, but with all erotic romance publishers at the moment.
We're a bit different than the average erotic romance publishers out there. Most of them seem to want sex over substance, or ask that sex
be the plot. We want the same strongly romantic stories you'd read at the big NYC publishers where love drives the plot, but where you also have some nasty baddies to overcome. Think of it as the story being the meal, and the sex is the dessert. Sexual content should be hot, the hotter the better, but the plot shouldn't suffer because of it. In other words don't worry that you don't have enough sexual content, write the story the way it needs to be told. If that means you don't get to the sex until halfway through the book--or farther--that's fine.
I'll see if I can find someone to read the site and mark up errors for me. Most of our editing staffers are up to their ears in editing and their EDJs and I've been trying to hire someone to help with this and take over the uploads to the GLBT Bookshelf to no avail.
If you have any other questions you can contact me here on the forum, or you can PM me if the questions are more private in nature.