Hi Brian,
Thank you for your interest in our development. The history is not too lengthy. I was the first author, and SSP was started around one editor, an artist/layout director, one person doing part-time PR, and myself as the first author. We are now up to 7 authors, 2 artists (one of whom heads up layout), 4 editors, and the part time PR person (who I work with as well in outreaches). So the family has grown quite a bit over the past couple of years. 3 new titles out (Steven Shrewsbury's Overkill, Jackie Gamber's Sela, and Michael West's Poseidon's Children), with my sixth novel coming out next month, Spirit of Fire (epic fantasy)
I do have a vested interest in SSP business wise due to the considerable about of time and work I put into it with a year round convention/appearance schedule, pretty constant PR activities, and everything else involved, but I am far from the only one in that regard. Because of my presence online and at conventions I have become a representative face person for SSP on the business side (again, I don't mind this, as my passion is to see a great home grow for authors here, and my fellow authors on the roster can vouch for my level of commitment here).
I think the modern author has to wear a few hats, whether you are in small press or self-published, but I am excited about our group and the titles that we are putting out there.
If you would like to see an example for no cost, you can pick up Michael West's new Poseidon's Children (urban fantasy) for free tomorrow and Thursday as part of a big Kindle Promotion. It contains interior artwork from Matthew Perry (who goes back to the beginning), and was edited by Amanda DeBord, both of whom go back to the start of SSP. I think Michael's book is a good representative of where we are at. Please do check it out, at no cost, just check for Poseidon's Children on the Kindle tomorrow or Thursday.