Just discovered this publisher via a friend's post on LiveJournal.
They look really new, started by a pair of m/m authors I've never heard of--and I thought I knew just about everyone writing in that genre.
Ah, well this could be why I don't know Meg Leigh:
Not sure who the publisher she mentioned was, didn't search through her older posts to find out.
Googling Zachary Sexton gained me no information on him, and he's the person listed as owner of the company.
Neither look to have much experience as authors, much less as publishers.
They plan to open at the end of the year or in early 2013 but have a couple of books out from the LJ Flist friend from whom I found out about them.
[My apologies if this is a bit muddled, I'm recovering from the flu.]
They look really new, started by a pair of m/m authors I've never heard of--and I thought I knew just about everyone writing in that genre.
Ah, well this could be why I don't know Meg Leigh:
Not sure who the publisher she mentioned was, didn't search through her older posts to find out.
Googling Zachary Sexton gained me no information on him, and he's the person listed as owner of the company.
Neither look to have much experience as authors, much less as publishers.
They plan to open at the end of the year or in early 2013 but have a couple of books out from the LJ Flist friend from whom I found out about them.
[My apologies if this is a bit muddled, I'm recovering from the flu.]