Okay, my browser has crashed twice trying to post on this thread. Little concerned there's something up with the Ruby Lioness website at this point, but frankly, it could be anything.
Third time lucky.
Nice website, easy to navigate, pitched at readers.
Reasonable covers, reasonable prices. Blurbs aren't doing much for me and I'd like longer extracts. I find quite a lot of the website's text a bit clunky, actually, especially on the submissions page.
Focus seems to be Romance, but they're also accepting sff, mysteries and YA.
Royalties are high, but I'm not sure what they mean by 'sale price' and whether the 40% is off cover price regardless of where the sale is made or cover minus distributor fees.
The news blog furnishes us with the most info about the staff, which is not much. The owner, Angie, promises she has experience and other members of staff, but fails to provide any credentials. Googling gives us the info she's a cover artist for Immanion Press and owner of Pagan Writers Press, for which she's editted at least two anthologies. LinkedIn gives away that she's co-owner of Ruby Lioness. Googling the press itself clues us in to the fact the other owner is Marissa Dobson, responsible for three of the press's currently available novels.
My overall impression is that a couple of authors with some experience in other aspects of epublishing have got together to open a press. It's not the worst start-up we've seen, but it's not the best either. Definitely a 'wait a couple of years' kind of place to see what happens.