Update re. Regal House Publishing
Some information/thoughts:
It is very easy to find 2-3 "facts" online, piece them together, and make a narrative about something or someone. But it is also not that difficult to do just a bit more homework to get proper and relevant information.
Like another commenter here, I also found this press through my searches and I have been doing my due diligence.
1/ They have several authors listed on their website.
https://regalhousepublishing.com/ourauthors/. A good number of these authors have their own websites. It is easy enough to reach out to those authors via those websites and get their feedback re. working with the press. I did. Got fairly positive feedback, I must add, about both the editing process and the marketing/promo efforts (which are in line with what a relatively small press typically will do; and, in fact, even what the large houses will do if you're a new or unestablished writer with them.)
2/ Recently, I received an offer to publish from them and asked the publisher to give me author referrals. I got prompt and positive feedback from 4 of these authors. So, in total, I connected with 6 different authors myself before jumping to conclusions.
3/ There is an origin story on their website that does say the press started initially as a self-publishing venture but has gone on to much more. This is not entirely a shady/scammy thing. Many small presses have started this way.
https://regalhousepublishing.com/houseorigin/. The move of the business from Florida to North Carolina was, it appears, due to a family move. That makes sense. If I ran a small business, I would also want to register it in the state where I live (though there are times it does make sense to register in other states -- different discussion.)
4/ I checked the Linkedin profiles of both Jaynie Royal, Editor-in-Chief, and Ruth Feiertag, Senior Editor. While they do have other staff members, the top two set the tone, spirit, style. Jaynie Royal is not 19-years-old as someone has written here. She graduated with her Bachelor's around the same time as I did. And I'm in my mid-40s. So, unless she was able to time-travel, that's not possible. Ruth Feiertag has rather impressive editing credentials in her profile. A further google search turns up even more. As for the rest of the staff, they are not full-time -- as would be the case at any small press still working to break even -- but they do have literary credentials and I browsed through the social media profiles of some of them too.
5/ I looked up all 5 published books on Amazon. The more recent books felt more polished to me than the earlier ones. That's understandable because it shows they have had a learning curve and are improving. I would be more worried if the recent books were worse than the earlier ones.
All of the above is not necessarily an endorsement. Nor is it a defense. I have no affiliation with this press (yet). But, yes, I did my homework, then submitted my book to them. I may still end up working with them if I find the offer/contract suitable.