Having just checked out the link, I'm going to add an addendum to my last post. The more I learn of their guidelines, the wierder the whole thing seems. For fiction, they evidently require NO MORE than twelve double-spaced pages. I would be extremely hard pressed to find even a short story of mine that is less than fifteen pages minimum (and most are considerable longer, at least 20-25 pages).
Secondly, they ask that the work you send has not been previously submitted anywhere. Again, I would be extremely hard pressed to find a story among my many that has not at some point been submitted somewhere, whether it was accepted or not. Perhaps what they really mean is that the work should not be currently under consideration elsewhere (as in not simultaneously submitted), which makes a lot more sense. But if that's the case, their guidelines need to be more specific in making this clear. I can understand their wanting only work that has not been previously published and/or is not being considered elsewhere, but the notion of telling writers they can only send work that has never even been submitted elsewhere seems a bit ludicrous, not to mention incredibly
They may be a perfectly legit publisher with good intentions, but I agree with the above poster who said they don't seem to have enough savvy about the book business to be trustworthy.