tvwritergal said:
I am new to this industry, and maybe one of you seasoned professionals can explain to me what Ms. Rivers has to gain through this scam. Can she steal the manuscripts? Can't she be taken to court over this? Please let me know how these scams work...
I'm not in the same league as Jim, Jenna, Victoria and others here, but I
am seasoned.
Nothing on the site shows that it's a scam. It simply
looks like every other scam site out there and nothing like any legitimate publisher's site.
Here are some quotes from her post:
Rain Publishing is not producing books; it is creating a mental voyage.
I want a publisher that produces books. I'll take care of my own mental voyage.
A magic carpet ride to escape reality for a moment in time and become one with the written world of thoughtful illusion.
How does that translate into sales?
For aspiring authors, at times the world of book publishing can appear to be a rather overwhelming process.
Sure. That's because it is.
As a published author I have seen this frustrating and sad cycle many times. However Rain Publishing has begun a new revolution of conventional publishing.
Uh oh. This brand new little start-up is going to change the world? The system in place works just fine. I buy books from conventional publishers all the time. So do all of us.
Did you know that most publishing companies accept less than one percent of proposals received?
Maybe. I prefer to think they accept 100% of the manuscripts they believe will sell to the general public.
I am Tilly Rivers and I am sending out the word in hopes that together we will be able to continue to feed the dream for upcoming new authors, and change that percentage level.
Why? You say only 1% of the manuscripts get published. I say the other 99% are unreadable. Why do you want to put that crap on my bookshelves?
Rain Publishing’s policy is to continuously encourage new writers
Good for Rain Publishing. All legitimate publishers are hoping to discover the next new Stephen King and encourage new writers, too. They don't
target new writers, however. Does Rain Publishing? Why? In monetary terms, I mean. Why?
As a writer I can not possibly stress how happy I am that Rain Publishing is offering this unique opportunity to the thousands of talented writer’s who have been frustrated in their attempts to have their dreams become a reality.
Those writers are frustrated because a legitimate publisher won't buy their manuscripts. Why? Because those publishers won't make money selling them. If a salable manuscript crosses enough editors' desks, one of them will buy it. A frustrated author is frustrated because his work isn't yet salable. If he keeps working at it, he may produce something that is. Then it'll be bought.
Shutting out alternative viewpoints, and missing new talent is not what Rain Publishing is about.
There you go, promising to change the world again. Tilly Rivers, genius extraordinaire, knows more about how to revolutionize the publishing industry than the combined brains of all the legitimate publishers out there. Awesome.
Rain Publishing is about breaking through all the barriers, discovering new empowering publishing policies so we may build dreams for new authors. .
1) The barriers are there to protect the reader from accidentally shelling out $15 for crap. Yay for barriers!
2) If you discover a workable new publishing policy, get a job with a real publisher.
3) I don't need my dreams built. I need my books sold. Do you do that? You haven't mentioned it if you do.
To be able to transport another into an adventure of the mind is not a talent that should be so easily dismissed.
This is true. I'd like to transport readers through the adventure of my mind. I'd like to transport the ones in New Hampshire and New Mexico, Washington and West Virginia. Will you put my books on their bookstore shelves?
I believe we could transform the dream into reality.
Neat! I'll sit back and watch you do that. If you can, and you can make your authors some decent coin, I'll send you my manuscript.
It is through your belief in your dream as an author, and Rain Publishing’s belief in the same dream that we will be able to give you a new inspiring, talented creative mind the opportunity in which you may become the next author of the decade.
I'm happy with my old inspiring, talented creative mind, thank you. Or is that not what you meant? Okay, you want to help me become the next writer of the decade. That's awesome. How? The last time I checked your web site you were just one person without a physical mailing address. One person can do everything a legitimate commercial publishing company does? You're right! That is revolutionary! It's also impossible unless you're
The Flash.
It is my honor and privilege to support Rain Publishing. And to proudly say that they are my exclusive publisher.
Well, shucks. You DO own the joint, after all.
Why is Rain Publishing marketing their services to you and me? They should be marketing their books to stores and readers. If they do that you and I will find them on our own. So will 100 other writers each week. They won't need to ask for manuscripts. They'll be drowning in them.
Rain Publishing might be legit, I suppose. But if so they're clueless.