Distribution through Ingram Book Group. Also good.
I just looked at their listings through Ingram - they aren't standard terms. Of the 6 books from this publisher listed, 4 have prohibitively short discounts (meaning if a bookstore or library wants to order it, they don't get their standard discount off the list price so they won't likely order them). One is listed as non-returnable which is often a dealbreaker for a bookstore. It is unusual, too, for there to be such varied terms among a single publisher's books. Occasionally, some older backlist titles from a publisher may have short discounts on Ingram on their way to out-of-print status, but that's not the case here.
And this isn't "distribution", it is wholesale. Distribution generally implies that there is a sales force selling the book to stores, that it is listed in a catalog, that it may have ARCs being sent out pre-pub, etc. Ingram has an arm that does that for a number of small independent publishers (IPS) but this publisher is not part of that.
Their books are just in a database along with literally millions of others, and no one will see them unless they are already looking for them specifically. Until they build their catalog and show some good sales numbers, full distribution is not likely. In the meantime, having their books listed at standard terms through Ingram is imperative if they want any significant bookstore presence.
I'm not trying to diss the publisher - they may be doing everything else that they need to do. But since I have access to the Ingram database I thought I'd take a look, and that's what I saw.