I may have to self-publish
Why would you have to? Are you currently querying and being rejected, or is there some other reason? It's much better to choose to self-publish than feel you have to for whatever reason.
Does it look ok? The person who runs it says she’ll format the book, do the cover, and send it to barnes and nobles, amazon, and other outlets, but it’ll cost me a few thousand.
The only services listed on the website are editing-related, with a mention that they can help with marketing, so it'd be interesting to know how that "few thousand" figure was reached.
A few thousand, by the way, is far, far too high. A single company that does everything should do it cheaper than if you paid individually. If you want everything done for you, you're probably going to pay between $850 and $1500-$1800 on the top or so. Shop around, and use a company with testimonials from authors about books that impress you.
You can pay individually for editing and a professional-looking cover, as well as formatting, and probably get by a bit cheaper. And you can save money by doing some of it yourself, like uploading to retailers.
Any company you use for uploading, if you go that route (I will never understand why anyone would let someone else have access to their retailer accounts, but that's me), needs to upload to an account you can access and change the password to when they're finished (as in, it's your email, not theirs on the thing), and needs to do so without requiring an ongoing percentage of your sales.
About this company specifically, what about their site or the books on their "Clients" page gives you confidence that they're the professionals you want to pay? I'm not seeing anything that would entice me to hire them.