On another forum I sometimes frequent, I've participated in a discussion about WritersWorld, a company which provides services in return for a fee.
Their website is here.
I've been unable to find out what they charge for their services, and what they offer: there are various PDFs available on their site which won't download for me (I suspect a problem with my connection, rather than with their site) in which I suspect their prices are contained; but over on the other forum where I first heard mention of them, one member mentions that they've quoted him a figure in excess of £4,000 to publish his book.
They have a speedy approach to publication.
They quote some very interesting statistics, but don't cite a source for them.
(My bold.)
So. What do you all think about this one?
Their website is here.
I've been unable to find out what they charge for their services, and what they offer: there are various PDFs available on their site which won't download for me (I suspect a problem with my connection, rather than with their site) in which I suspect their prices are contained; but over on the other forum where I first heard mention of them, one member mentions that they've quoted him a figure in excess of £4,000 to publish his book.
They have a speedy approach to publication.
We guarantee, with the full support of the author, to produce a book from start to finish within 60 days of proper submission, unlike some of our competitors who have a clause in their contracts which permits them up to six months to produce a book.
They quote some very interesting statistics, but don't cite a source for them.
Our composite range of services include a description of the book at Nielsen Book Data paid for by WRITERSWORLD, which will make the book easier to find by search terms at the very numerous book retailers' websites, and boost the opportunity for the book's sales. We are not aware of any other print-on-demand book publisher providing this invaluable service which has been demonstrated can increase offline sales by 35% and online sales by 178%.
(My bold.)
So. What do you all think about this one?