I kind of liked that, actually. I want to add one scene, the old lady attempting to make gruel from them, tasting it, and rejecting it, before the burning.
One good use I've seen, on a home improvement show, was to take four big stacks of the condensed books and place them in a frame before drilling a 1.5-inch hole through the center of each, front to back. Repeat until you have about 12 vertical feet of drilled books. On the final four books, drill from the back and don't pierce the front cover.
The person doing the craft even mentioned Readers Digest Condensed Books and out of date encyclopedias.
Thread one book on each of four table legs 1 3/8" in diameter. Apply glue to its cover's surface. Thread another on at a slight angle, apply glue, etc.
Eventually you have four spiraling table legs which are quite secure, ending with a book whose cover is not drilled through. Top with heavy glass for a sturdy desk. It was really pretty cool-looking.
Maryn, who saw sawed-off hardcovers at a McDonald's in Pennsylvania--so warm and cozy until she saw the bindings were only 3 inches deep.