SF/F imprint Pyr accepting unagented submissions
I'm not sure if this forum is the right place to post this (I also posted in the Sci Fi/Fantasy forum), but for those SF/F writers who want to bypass the agent, this is for you (posted on GalleyCat today):
The science fiction and fantasy imprint Pyr is now
accepting unagented submissions in a few select subgenres: epic fantasy, sword & sorcery, and contemporary/urban fantasy. They will not be accepting unagented manuscripts in the genres of horror, science fiction, or slipstream, nor do they seek short story collections, anthologies, novellas or nonfiction.
Pyr is an imprint at
Prometheus Books, and announced the news on their blog yesterday. According to the post, the imprint seeks manuscripts that are between 100,000 and 130,000-words. The site notes that they will not accept science fiction work that is less than 85,000-words, nor fantasy work under 95,000-words.