James Ritchie, your post about not having your work professionally edited -- well, it needs some clarification.
I have eight titles in print via a small press, and three more currently indie-published. All of them -- ALL of them -- have been professionally edited. That is to say, by someone other than me. I cannot edit my own work competently, though I can catch typos and I'm starting to recognize SOME of my own bad habits by now. I would never, ever send a submission to my small press that I hadn't gone over thoroughly myself. In most cases, my crit partner, who is a vicious and most valued editor, has taken her red pen to it, too.
As far as my indie stuff, I pay an editor whom I trust to whip my manuscripts into shape before I release them to my readers. I would no more expect to be able to edit my own novels with sufficient competence to make them good enough for to go out under my name, than I would expect to perform brain surgery on myself.