Nefarious Motives???
I have it on good authority that PoetWorks Press is a small, independent and struggling publisher that only publishes poetry of merit.
It is a 10 year old company whose goal is to publish new writers, previously published writers, and decent literature.
Their acceptance letter for the anthology
Passing was addressed to to
all selected authors (84 authors, out of over 2400 poems submitted) and followed up with information on which poems were selected.
In their publishing release form they mention that inclusion in the anthology "
was not based on purchase of the book, that all poetry selected for inclusion was based solely on the merit of the poetry". Six qualified editors scored the submissions based on criteria such as the quality of the writing, adherance to the theme of the book and originality of the work.
This publisher, although small, short staffed and under-funded does not charge reading fees, demand that an author buy a book to have their work included, or ask for donations. What can their motives for publishing decent poetry be?
For more information about PoetWorks Press go to
PoetWorks selects talented authors from the submissions for their anthologies to underwrite individual collections of poetry by outstanding authors whose books can be found in their Catalog of Titles on the web site
Each author is an outstanding writer in their own right and receives royalties (based on sales of their book) far greater than industry standards.
If you want undiluted facts about this organization, write them at
[email protected]. You will find them open, friendly, professional and extremely independent.