I have read the rules. So I think I[m doing this right
My birth was a spectacle. As I shot out into the world, caught by the human midwife. The collective gathering of immortals fell silent.
*** Revised version after Janine's very helpful critique.
My birth was a spectacle. As I shot out into the world, caught by the human midwife, the gathering of immortals fell silent. Georgio, the vampire lord, scooped me from the midwife’s arms before she could even swaddle me.
critiquing the 2nd version
(It's usually better if you post edits in a new post - more people will see it that way. People will tend to see that the original post has already got critiques and not notice the new version, especially if lots of people have replied already.)
The image I get from this is that the baby literally flies out as a projectile and is caught by a midwife standing maybe 2-3 metres away. Since you put "human" midwife, it opens up all kinds of possibilities beyond an ordinary human birth. So I don't know if my (overly literal) visualisation is correct or not. In a real world human context, I'd interpret it as a fast birth (as in the time from the start of labour to the baby being born), but the baby coming out normally. I do have a tendency to take things literally. To be honest, it doesn't stop me from getting into the scene at all. Just it's a slightly odd thing to visualise.
That aside, I'm really intrigued by the idea of the vampire lord grabbing the main character as a baby before the midwife can even start to care for the baby. I'd read on to find out more about the vampires and why it's so important that the vampires grab this baby as soon as they're born.