(my highlighting)Is it more important to publish less books
The first one being money. Just money in general. When you publish a book with one of them five major publishing companies, the problem that you have is that your royalty rate is very, very low. In a sense, you might only get 8% to 10% royalty, probably even less than that. Probably closer to 5% royalty on any sale that you make. Now, first off that’s just terribly low. That’s something that’s kind of a little bit ridiculous. It’s necessary for them to pay all of their bills and all of their marketing and everything else that they do and formatting the books and everything like that.
With self publishing, you can keep 100% of the royalties. That’s a huge, huge difference. Just in sheer numbers, you can sell a thousand books, make $1,000, you make $1 a book. Or if you went the other route and you published with a big publisher and you only got 5%, you sold a thousand books and you might only get $50 out of that which sucks since you put so much time and effort into writing a book or self publishing a book or anything else that you do.
...The first one being money. Just money in general. When you publish a book with one of them five major publishing companies, the problem that you have is that your royalty rate is very, very low....
Mixed feelings. Author gets to the point really quick. You can read this in a matter of 15 min. Common sense suggestions. But I wouldn't call this a book. More like a blog.
Unfortunately, I found that almost all the information in this book is easily found with a quick internet search. I also find it ironic that the author speaks about the importance of grammar and spelling on your resume and cover letters while the ebook is littered with poor spelling and grammar.
Run-on sentences, which are harder for ESL user to follow. Was the author paid by the word, instead of meaningful content?
The information is minimal in this very short publication. It could be printed on a 10 page booklet. Not only that, 25% is promotional material. Don't waste your time. Googling will give you much better information.
Do not waste your money on this book. It is a 46 page pamphlet that is a stream of consciousness of the writers chicken experiences. There is only a plan for a 2 to 4 chicken A frame coop and a 12 X 8 foot run. A rip off.