Answers about Penner Publishing
Good Morning,
I'm one of the founders of Penner Publishing.
To answer some of the questions above:
Advances are negotiable between the author and publisher. Our goal, however is for all of authors to make PAN upon signing (if they're RWA members). If not, I think our advances would make an author eligible for Novelists Inc. (NINC does require more than a single published book for membership, but my answer is only for general discussion purposes).
While I admire many other epublishers for they're commitment to new writers, I do believe that a publisher who invests in an author will work harder for that author.
While we're looking for romance, we're also looking for those books RWA used to call novels with strong romantic elements. We'd like to publish those single title romances that also deal with bigger issues.
I was alerted to this discussion by an author who asked about cover artists. I think it's a fair question. We have several artists with whom we've worked and others with whom we have relationships. Many do covers both in and out of the romance genre. It's our hope to appeal to romance readers, women fiction readers, and book club readers, however, so our covers have wider genre appeal.
In the last weeks, we've solidified our editor roster. Several have pictures and short bios on our site. The rest will be forthcoming shortly.
Our main goals are to help build author careers by paying them fairly, having them hit best seller lists, and connecting with readers.
Jessica G. Penner Publishing