Parenting Press is a real publisher
Yes, Parenting Press is a REAL publisher. Since 1979 it has published about 100 children's and child guidance books, most of which are still in print. Some have hundreds of thousands of copies printed. It also publishes a monthly online newsletter for families and teachers (, which is staff-written, and a quarterly for professionals (, which accepts contributions but compensates writers only with publicity. We publish a limited number of books each year, and all are heavily edited after field-testing with appropriate audiences. Most books are in production at least two years. Authors are expected to be very involved in promoting books, including making speeches, visiting bookstores and doing media interviews. If you are considering submitting to the Press, read the author submission guidelines on the web site VERY carefully; most of the submissions we receive do not fall within our mission statement. As for distribution, yes, most of our books are distributed through the usual national wholesalers, Ingram, Baker & Taylor and Partners. So they are readily available in bookstores and through online retailers as well as from the Press itself.