I know there are two sides to every story, but as an author my feeling is that I don't care if the author involved in this issue was the most horrible, awful, badly-behaved, hysterical, bat-shit wackaloon to ever touch a keyboard. The publisher has not negotiated in good faith when the author requested a contract termination, and has not behaved professionally (cc-ing emails to her other publishers, WTF?). And that's enough to make me decide that this publisher is not one I'd touch with a barge pole or recommend to any other author.
The author, if she's found to be in the wrong, may have tanked her own career. That's her problem and it doesn't impact anyone else. The publisher, who is in the wrong no matter what, has tanked their business and to some degree the careers of all the authors who are signed with them. That really spreads the problem around.