the gentleman spoke about meeting Ms. Johnson <snip> thinks she's the greatest thing since sliced bread.<snip> the poster is a PA author.
If this Johnson is associated with the Oak Tree of Springfield, IL, then I would think that the PA author has been taken in yet again.
Con artists can be extremely charming and throw out an easy "trust me" vibe while validating the ego-starved. That's how they do their job so well. They seem to have an instinct for finding prey, too.
It's like a lapdance, so long as the mark has money, the dance and the "you're-so-sexy" smile goes on and on.
PSWA in this context stands for Public Safety Writers Association. (Not the Puget Sound Welsh Association.)
What can you do? Put up the link to Writer Beware and hope for the best.
Or ask the standard questions: Have you ever seen any of their books in a bookstore? Have you ever read any of their books? Have any of your friends ever read any of their books?
Sorry, I did a search and nothing came up. Thanks for the help.It's under Oak Tree Press
Two Thumbs Down warning
Victoria, on the OTP web site, they make a huge point of separating themselves from that "other" firm, and swear they do not charge, publish within 18 months, but keep the rights to a manuscript in perpetuity. Is that legal?
I'm just trying to find out why Bennett & West would recommend them if they are so evil?