You are aware that you are in control of your own behavior, right? Technically, it is entirely possible for me to post a link to a pirated copy of Morbius on this forum and tell everyone to pirate it. Will I do that? I cannot say, with 100% certainty, if I will or will not do that, as no one can predict the future. However, I can confidently say "in all likelihood, I will not do that" because I know that is not a thing that would go over well here AND I am in control of the things I post online.
People make honest mistakes. Shit happens. What constitutes necroing a thread is fuzzy as there's no hard and fast date that is too far in the past. And some threads are evergreen (like agents and publishers).
When an authority figure tells you you did something wrong, you either say "I'm sorry" and do your best to not repeat that behavior in the future...or you leave and go find a space where you're allowed to do that thing. Arguing with a mod rarely goes well.
Here is a real world example of why I prefer to avoid promises regarding future conduct:
I worked for a comic book store in San Jose, California when I was twelve years old. This was back in 1978. My boss told me that if anyone ever tried to rob the store, he wanted me to let them have whatever they wanted. Under no circumstances was I to interfere. "Above all, I don't want anything to happen to you."
I promised. I sincerely expected to fulfill the bargain. However, there came a day when a group of older teenagers (17-19) came in to rob the store. I was by myself. My promise to the boss never entered my mind. I was outraged that these boys would try and take things that didn't belong to them. I immediately called the police. They came over to me, brandishing switchblades. I ignored them. Instead, I gave the police dispatcher a detailed description of the four perps, their weapons, and the names they had used when talking to each other. As I did this, the entire group stood within one to three feet of me. They were literally breathing into my face as they threatened me. One wanted to stab me but another one talked him out of it. He didn't want to delay while the police were on the way.
Speaking of which, the police weren't on the way. I was bluffing. I had called the police but the officer on the other end of the line didn't understand me when I gave the address. While I rattled off physical descriptions and names for the malefactors, the dispatcher was saying, "what street are you on? How do you spell that? What was the street number? Would you please let me know where you are?" I didn't because I wanted to create the impression of imminent arrest. If I had to sit there for several minutes reeling off the address and checking the spelling, I wouldn't get to the information that was most frightening to the bad guys: their appearance and first names.
I have unintentionally ressurected so many zombie threads on this and other forums that I believe I would break any promise on the subject within 30 days. The possibility remains even without the predilection but with it, there is no way I'm going to guarantee to refrain.
Bad language is a completely different subjecxt. I don't use it and don't like it when others do. Regardless, I'm not going to make any promises on that either, though I don't think I've ever used profanity in a post anywhere. The last time I remember using it out loud was when I slipped on some steps and sprained my ankle in 1998. I did put some swear words into a script for the sake of realism around 1998, but when I heard actors read the lines, took it out.